chapter 2

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Tony's pov

They stuck an IV in my arm then we went over what happened

A picture of Peter was put up and I looked away fighting tears

The rest of them bickered a bit and Steve said some things so I stood up

"I said we'd lose, you said we'd lose together and you weren't there! " I said

He opened his mouth to say something else and I got angry

"I LOST THE KID! I lost the kid and that's on me I recruited a teenager who wouldn't listen to me and that's on me! I could have made him go but I didn't I let him fight and maybe if I didn't let him fight then he'd still be here but he's not and that's on me. I lost the kid" I said

I ended up falling to my knees and passed out

When I woke up they had killed Thanos and me and pepper ended up living in the country

***5 years later

We tried having a kid for a while but I realized I didn't want a kid.. Because that dream of had now over 5 years ago that dream vanished along with Peter

He was a son to me but this grief I feel this pain he wasn't a kid to me he was more

I miss him like I used to think of miss pepper if she died I miss him like he was a friend

I miss him like he was my partner

Platonicly of course after all he was only 15 but I can imagine if he was here now if he was 20 years old that it would be romantically

I miss him..

I stare at the one picture I took with him and I cry myself to sleep I dream of him I have night mares of his last moments

The moment where he held onto me and cried in his beautiful voice that he didn't want to go

The last thing I thought twords him was 'good job kid'

But instead I could only say 'it'll be okay'

"Hey tony.. We need to talk" Steve said walking up to me


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