The Story Of Adriana Crevan continued:

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After Adriana's return home, things slowly became back to normal in Undertaker's shop. Every morning, she'd rise from her coffin and start a fire in the back of that dusty shop. After a quick dog biscuit and a beaker of hot tea, she'd begin the morning routine of cleaning. Dusting, sweeping, rearranging, since Undertaker was usually too busy to do this himself.
Soon there after, the shop was clean and she could settle in for a bit before the early dwellers came by, mourning and trying to choose a casket for their lost loved one. But, for now, Adriana sat, perched up on a closed coffin, swinging her legs and watching the door, preparing to squint when opened, letting that blasted, blinding sunlight in. The Crevans usually preferred things dark, if it wasn't obvious enough. Of course, it was traditional to have the funeral clothing to be black, but they liked everything that way. The shop was always dimly lit, hardly any light shining through the windows at all since they were already so murky and covered up with a tattered cloth. For a fine shop with all the graveyard essentials, everything else was a bit cheap. Adriana would repeat to herself that she'd fix that one day, but that day hadn't come for quite a while.
Meanwhile, when Adriana wasn't locked in that dark room, a coffin or a carriage, she enjoyed roaming around. The cemetery in particular.
One morning, while she was out, there was a peculiar group of gentlemen, looking into the cemetery, their hands on the gate. Adriana strolled up towards them but stopped, noticing it was the Scotland Yard. They wanted in, because they wanted clues. Of course, Adriana smiles and walked over about to greet them, "Good Morning, gentle-" but she was cut off as their expressions became scared and nervous and they backed away.
"We we don't have any jokes! Please just open the gate!!" They scurried aside and watched her cautiously and nervously. This bugged Adriana but it also made great fun to tease those who were afraid of "the creepy-dead guy's daughter". She gave a little giggle with a raised eyebrow and opened the gate for them, walking in first to be ahead of the murmuring investigation. For she had nothing to do with it and would have rather gone about her morning unharmed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2015 ⏰

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