4. 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮

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 When I woke up I noticed there was only two minutes until my alarm and I could hear little giggles coming from the living room which I thought was strange because normally if Alex is awake before me she'll just come and cuddle in beside me. I turned my alarm out before walking out to the living room. Matt was sitting in the living room playing with Alex. I stood against the wall watching the two of them until my second alarm went off when Matt jumped a little from the noise and looked over.

"Morning" I smiled, turning the alarm off. I had forgotten about that alarm.

"How long have you been up?" He asked walking over

"A couple minutes. I heard little giggles" He smiled giving me a kiss

"I figured I'd wake you up with a nice surprise but I got distracted by Alex" I smiled
"You go get ready. I'm gonna cook you breakfast" I walked through to the bedroom.

I walked into the en-suite and turned the shower on. Once it reached temperature I got undressed and climbed into the shower. I stood under the water thinking about the previous few days and how I never thought things would never be this good. I washed my hair with coconut shampoo and conditioner. I washed my body with coconut body wash. A gift set Kelly had bought me for Christmas and I was just finally getting around to using it. After standing in the shower for a while I finally stepped out. I wrapped the towel around my body and in my hair before walking out to my bedroom. Matt was sat on my bed on the phone so I stayed quiet as I looked for some clothes

"It's my sister you can make noise" He said and I nodded

"Tell her I said hi" I zoned out the conversation as I picked out my outfit. I hadn't gotten my new uniform yet so I just picked out a pair of black jeans, a burnt orange crop top sweater before getting changed. I felt a pair of hands around my waist and I leaned back knowing it was Matt.

"So it's your first shift today" He hummed and I nodded
"I don't have to treat you like a candidate do I?" He joked and I smirked

"Not unless you want me to act like my old self" I hummed and he shook his head

"Nope. Please don't" I chuckled

"Good choice" I replied turning around in his arms

"Two things" He started and I nodded looking up at him
"One. Your pancakes are on the counter. Two. I can't kiss you for twenty-four hours"

"We can hide" I shrugged resting my head on his chest

"Hmm and your brother won't find that suspicious" He replied

"My brother finds everything suspicious" I shrugged and he nodded

"Well I'm going to go get my pancakes then" I hummed

"Mind if I have a shower?" He asked and I shook my head

"Of course not. There's a fresh towel in there" I smiled walking to the kitchen. Alex was playing with her toys and I sat down at the table eating the pancakes. Once I was finished with my pancakes I put the plate in the sink before walking back to my room. Matt was still in the shower so I brushed my hair before braiding it into two dutch braids. I walked back to the living room sitting next to Alex.

"Morning mommy" I smiled kissing her head

"What are you playing with?" I asked and she held up her doll
"Are you ready to spend the day with Cindy again?" I asked and she nodded

"Yeah" I smiled, letting her go back to playing. I grabbed her bag and packed it for the day with some food inside. I pulled my high heeled boots on before checking my duffel bag and putting an extra pair of clothes and some toiletries in. Matt walked out the room with his uniform on and I smiled

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