We must have been watching Nessie catch snowflakes for about an hour when Nessie stopped abruptly mid high in the sky and ran back to us clinging onto Bella.

We looked in the direction of where Nessie was once looking and we saw one of the Denali sisters, what’s her name… Irina.

“Irina” Bella shouted passing Ruby to me even thou im already holding Layton.

I looked at Irina and saw her looking at the Baby’s in my arms and then Ran and Bella followed her and Nessie was trying to comfort herself in Jacob’s fur.

We finally arrived home and I put the two very awake babies on the baby mat and sat down next to them watching them gurgle at each other.

“Tanya tried to get Irina to come reconcile with us” Carlisle said putting the house phone on the table.

“Well it looked like she changed her mind” Edward said playing with Nessie’s hair.

“Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her” Esme said taking Carlisle’s hand in hers.

“I wish I could have just spoken to her” Bella said looking at Carlisle then at the rest of us.

“She’s family she will come around” Carlisle said relaxing against the couch and wrapping his arm around Esme’s shoulder.

Edward and Nessie started playing the piano of a nice melody.

But what we didn’t know was that something bad was happening as we speak.

Everyone gathered around watching Edward and Nessie play when Alice walked in and then suddenly dropped the vase and it smashed into tiny pieces making the twins burst into tears from the sudden shock of noise.

I picked Ruby up while Esme picked up Layton up and we both tried to sooth the crying babies in our arms.

“What is it Alice” Jasper asked worriedly when he got to her side.

“The Volturi they are coming for us Aro, Caius, Marcus, The guard and…. Irina” Alice said looking at bella than at me.

“Why… what did Irina see” Edward said.

“Nessie was catching snowflakes and I was holding the twins why” I said panicking.

“Of course…. Irina thinks Renesmee, Layton and Ruby are immortal children”

That just made me even more confused what is an immortal child?

“What’s an immortal child?” I asked looking at Carlisle for an explanation.

“The immortal children were very beautiful, so enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned; they couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation, stories spread, the Volturi were forced to intervene. And since the children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. The creators grew very attached, fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart, countless humans slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families, lost” he explained looking at me then back to Bella.

“So the Denali’s mother made an immortal child” Bella asked looking worried.

“Yes and she paid the price for it” Carlisle said and I couldn’t help but feel paniked that something might happen to my babies.

“Well, Renesmee, Layton and Ruby are nothing like those children, They were born not bitten they all grow everyday” Bella said looking at Carlisle in some kind of hope.

“Can’t you just explain this to the Volturi?” I asked Carlisle then I looked down at the twins.

“Aro has enough proof in Irina’s thoughts” Carlisle replied.

“Im going upstairs, I need to feed the twins” I said getting up and taking the twins upstairs and feed them and them put them in their cot to sleep.

I walked out the nursery and into my room and walked into my closet and got changed into a tight short sleeved top with a picture of a sunset on it and white shorts and pink flats and I let my hair cascade down my back and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

“Jacob have you seen Paul lately because I haven’t seen him” I asked standing next to him leaning against the counter.

“He should be at mine, he’s been staying there for a while, do you need a lift” I shook my head and left the house and got into my car and started driving.

I had already told Rose where I was going so she could keep an eye on the twins and that I would be back soon.

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