I whirled around, eyes wide, to see Ashfur and Tigerstar approaching me.

I only responded to Ashfur with another hiss. I suddenly felt like I couldn't show any of what I had been thinking - not missing the Dark Forest - to them at all.

They would think I was practically a weak newborn kit!

"Welcome back," Tigerstar meowed, just behind Ashfur.

I sat down and looked down to the ground. "You're here to make me feel even worse about not getting the fox, right?"

Ashfur and Tigerstar looked at each other and back to me. I tried not to back away as I saw both of their eyes filled with malice. I tried to ignore it.

"That is in the past, Swiftkit," Tigerstar commented. "You are only a kit, after all."

I wish you had realized that before you sent me on that mission, I thought to myself.

"As tough and warrior-like it would have made you look," Ashfur began, me having felt a small pang of regret as Ashfur had said "warrior-like", "Tigerstar and I realized that we clearly have so much more to teach you. We couldn't keep you away for one more night!"

But what about my sleep? I thought bitterly.

Tigerstar, almost seeming to have read my thoughts, barked at me, "If you thought you were going to start having great rest, think again!"

He gave me an inquiring look as he continued, "Sure, you're exhausted all of the time now, but how do you think all of this training at night will pay off in the end?"

I narrowed my eyes. He is right...

Tigerstar began to walk back and forth. "Exhaustion is worth what you'll become one day."

Those works echoed in my mind once more. Exhaustion is worth what you'll become one day...

"So what do you say?" Ashfur asked, his eyes filled with determination. "Are you ready to take on all of the plans we have for you?"

I looked down at the ground, suddenly deep in thought. Today has been so great. Getting a break from the Dark Forest was just what I needed, I realized. But... what if Tigerstar is right? Will sacrificing good days like this be worth it in the end?

Suddenly coming to a conclusion, I gave Ashfur a definitive nod. "I am," I meowed, trying not to let my voice shake.

Ashfur dipped his head to me. "Wonderful." To my surprise, he and Tigerstar started to pad away from the clearing that we were in.

"Tonight, we want to try something different," he began. "As you probably have realized by now, we train several Clan cats here in the Dark Forest..."

"We had planned on having some group training, and we want you to join them tonight," Tigerstar continued.

My stomach suddenly felt like it was being flipped upside down. Training with the other cats? Am I the only kit? What will they think?

"How impressed they will be that you're only a kit!" Ashfur meowed, seeming to turn my thoughts around. Ashfur then nodded his head towards a small path covered in sticks and dead leaves. "Follow us."

Tingling with apprehension and anticipation, I nodded and then began to follow the two toms deeper into the forest. Tigerstar and Ashfur were quietly whispering to each other as we traveled.

I wonder what they're talking about? I thought. She-cats they're padding after... what they ate last?

Quicker than I realized we would, we arrived to another large clearing. My mouth dropped at all of the different cats I saw there.

Warriors #4: Darkness AwakensWhere stories live. Discover now