Trouble in Paradise

Start from the beginning

Ruby: You guys didn't kiss? Or even try to have sex?

Liv: No. Nothing happened between us guys. All we did was fall asleep. I mean I do have feelings for him but I'm not going to let him cheat on his girlfriend.

The doorbell rings

Liv: Look at that saved by the bell. It must be Zack I'll go get it.

Liv walks to the front door and opens it.

Liv: Hey Za..

Alexa: Liv?

Liv: Alexa?

Alexa: What are you doing here? Why are you wearing Oliver's clothes?

Liv: This is awkward. It's not what it looks like I promise. Ruby and Sarah are here too.

Alexa: Go ahead explain because this is looking really bad for you.

Liv: Me, Ruby, and Sarah went out with Oliver and Zack last night. We got really drunk and I couldn't make it back to Sarah's house so Ollie let us stay here. I'm wearing his clothes because I spilled water all over mine at Denny's

Alexa: Why am I having a hard time believing that?

Liv: It's true.

I walk out of my room and see Liv talking to Alexa

Oliver: Hey babe what are you doing here?

Alexa: You don't remember talking to me last night?

Oliver: No, I was drinking a lot.

Alexa: They canceled the event and you told me that we'd go out for breakfast this morning.

Oliver: I remember now. Give me a few minutes and we can go. You can come in if you want.

Alexa: I'm fine, I'll wait outside.

Alexa pulls the door shut and it slammed in my face. Here we go again I thought to myself.

Oliver: So drunk Oliver made plans with Alexa and didn't tell sober Oliver. Now I'm in big trouble.

Liv: Sorry if I made things worse.

Oliver: You're fine. You guys can stay here if you want.

Sarah: I have to go home and do somethings.

Ruby: We'll just leave whenever you leave.

Lexi and I are at breakfast and I can just feel the anger coming from her.

Oliver: Want to talk about it?

Alexa: Yes, Oliver I'd love to talk about what's bothering me. That's the 2nd time I've come to your house and she's been there. The first time you two were cuddled on the couch and now she spent the night.

Oliver: I never once said anything to you when you and Braun traveled together all the time. I had no idea what went on during those trips. Hell he was at your house two weeks ago when I came by.

Alexa: Braun and I weren't having sleep overs Oliver. He wasn't the only one there either. Mojo, EC3, and Nikki were there too.

Oliver: Your point is? Ruby and Sarah were at my house too.

Alexa: I just don't think Gionna should be at your house.

Oliver: If it was just Ruby or Sarah spending the night at my house you wouldn't be upset?

Alexa: I wouldn't have a problem with that. I know Ruby or Sarah don't have feelings for you.

Oliver: What do you want from me Lexi?

Alexa: Who do you want to be with me or Gionna?

Oliver: Are you really doing this to me?

Alexa: I didn't want it to get this far but you left me with no choice.

Oliver: I can't do this right now.

Alexa: Do you really have to think about this?

Oliver: Yes I really have to think about this. I'm having to choose between my girlfriend and my best friend. This isn't a decision I can make right on the spot. Here's the money for breakfast I'm leaving, don't worry I'll walk home. I wouldn't want you to inconvenience yourself by taking me home.

I got up from the table and stormed out of the restaurant, I'm walking down the sidewalk when Lexi comes chasing after me.

Alexa: Oliver wait.

Oliver: What Lex? Are you not done making me feel like a complete piece of shit?

Alexa: Oliver I'm sorry.

Oliver: You know sometimes sorry isn't always the solution to the problem.

Alexa: Ollie please just hear me out.

Oliver: No, I'm done talking.

Alexa: Oliver just let me talk.

Oliver: Lex please just let me be. Please that's all I ask.

Alexa: But Oliver..

Oliver: Lexi leave me alone. We'll talk once I figure everything out.

I kept walking away from her with my head down.

**What is Oliver going to do? Let me know what you think his decision will be. **

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