Track 1: information

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"Kacchan, can you please not push my face back everytime the chorus comes along?"

"The lyrics said, Stop pretending to be nice, and go away; and what I did went with it. What's your problem, Deku?"

Izuku and Bakugou were bickering over the choreography they were practicing. They weren't the best when they worked together, but they were forced to partner up for this one.

"Has it never occurred to you that this will be a televised performance, Kacchan?"

Izuku was getting annoyed at this point. Rambling on and on about how that will give the company and Bakugou a bad image, et cetera.

"Don't tell me what to do, Shitty Nerd ™️" Bakugou said, angrily.

"Don't tell me you want VLE's best trainees to get anything below a B on the first evaluation...''

VLE was an abbreviation for Vision Line Entertainment. Izu and Baku's entertainment company. They were basically getting shipped off to some survival show to get their names out there. For both them and VLE. It's stressful for the both of them. Especially when they know there will be cameras shoved up their asses.

As they continued practicing, there were many thoughts floating around. So many questions. But one stood out from the rest.

'Will I really have a chance at debuting?'

They have been at their entertainment agency for the last 5 years. They always tried their hardest. Always practicing choreography, their vocals. Even the extreme dieting and exercise the company wants them to do. But they were usually pushed to the side by their label-mates.

"Fine. Whatever." Bakugou sighed, annoyed. "Again, from the top!"

They went over the choreography for like, the 9th time that day. Hearing the song over and over again was becoming sickening. But in order to do their best, and to get it right, they had to keep restarting. With their managers, choreographers, and a plethora or dance instructors going over their movements, and giving them advice.

"Put more emotions into your dancing" One instructor would say.
"Move more precisely'' Said another.
"Move a bit more loosely. Your movements look too stiff"

It became tedious. So they just tried harder and harder every time they were judged by their higher ups.

Then finally-

"Hey, this one is actually pretty good. Maybe repeat it a few more times, and you might be ready!"

"Sure, why not?" The young trainees said in unison.

So after the 4 more repeats of the choreography, their dance instructor finally notified their agency's promotion team. Which then informed their CEO.

Two Hours Later

Midoriya was called into their CEO's office. And so was Bakugou, just shortly after.

"Hello CEO Rin!" The boys said.

"Hello Mr. Katsuki. And hello to you too, Mr. Izuku. I have some matters to discuss with you"

"What is it about? Is it about our contract? Or something else?" Izuku asked.

"What do you mean if its our contracts? They expire when we're like 24!" Bakugou said, with hints of annoyance in his voice.

"No, no. Its none of those. Im talking about the survival show you're going on. Youre going to know some information about it. Since it starts in 2 weeks." Rin said.

"I'm listening..." says Bakugou

"Okay. So the the show you're going to be on is called 'Co-Ed Idol'. Its a survival show where you will be competing against 18 other trainees from different companies."

The two boys nodded their heads.

"There will be an evaluation, for the dance you've been practicing. A Re-Evaluation, for something called the Pick Me stage. A group evaluation, where you have to group together with other trainees. And concept evaluation, where you have to try a different concept to see if youre able to pull it off." Rin continued on. 
"You will be assigned into classes A-F depending on how good your Evaluation/Re-evaluation is. In the finale, The winning 7 will consist of 4 boys and 3 girls. They will be in the final lineup for their Co-Ed group. But you won't be picked by judges. The public votes for you."

"Umh... Wow" Bakugou said

"I'm a bit confused. Whats a Pick Me stage?" Izuku asks, a bit fearful.

"Sorry, I don't know much about it either. You'll be given time to practice though. It's just that you would have to practice whilst the show is airing."  Rin answered.

"Woah, okay! This event seems cool." Izuku added on.

"Hey, whats up with those bags over there?" Bakugou pointed out. There were 4 bags next to the CEO's desk. They all had what seemed to be the program's logo on it.

"Oh! I almost forgot... These are your uniforms youll be wearing. The pink bag contains your gym uniforms. You'll be wearing them when practicing during the show. For vocal practices, for practicing choreography, etc. Just not on stage. Which will also be broadcasted."

"And the blue bag?" Izuku asked.

"Ah, yes. The blue bags contain the uniforms for your pick me stage. You wear them only twice during the show. During your Pick Me stages and your final rankings." Rin explained.

Izuku pulled his uniform from his bag. It was a gray suit with blue lining on the sleeves and collar. And the logo on the left side of his chest. The pants were gray khakis with blue lining where his ankles would be. It was really nice looking. Good quality too.

Then Bakugou pulled out his gym uniform.

"Oh HELL NO! I am not going to wear these skimpy shorts on camera!" Bakugou yelled in a fit of anger.

The gym uniform was a white shirt, blue lining on the collar and on its short sleeves. But the shirt wasn't Bakugous issue. It was the pants.

They were blue shorts that only reached the middle of his thighs. Unlike other times, Bakugou had reason to be angry.

"Kacchan, c-calm down-" Midoriya spoke.


"Mr. Katsuki, Calm down. Maybe have your meltdown somwhere else?" Rin said.

"Ugh... Whatever." Bakugou groaned.

"Welp... Thats all I have to tell you about this program. I hope youre planning to do your best. That show only picks the best trainees. There is no room for messing up. Now run along now. I have other matters to take care of." Rin continued.

"Thank you CEO Rin! We'll do our best!" Midoriya stated, and then left their CEO's office. Bakugou did the same shortly after.

"Kacchan, that survival program is not too long from now. Can you not throw a tantrum like that on national tv?" Midoriya asked.

"Shut your trap, you shitty nerd."

"There's no changing you, is there. Let's  just head to our dorms..." Midoriya sighed.

The two trainees made their way to their dorms. They were excited, but nervous for what was to come. Most survival shows of this kind are very strict. Strict dieting, schedules, etc.

But as long as they tried their hardest, the votes would end in their favor.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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