Chapter 2

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Chandler stood off-stage and watched the monitor from the corner as his friend did an interview to promote the show.

"So, Joey Tribbiani tell me, you are sharing a mansion with fifteen women?" Oprah asked, and Chandler smiled. When he told Joey that he set up an interview with Oprah, his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. This was huge, he is surprised Joey is staying as calm as he is, just a few feet away from one of the noblest people in America.

Joey nodded, "That's right, and you may think I'm a slut just doing this. But I have been called worse." Chandler shakes his head. He really just said "slut" in front of Oprah. "But you know, I really want to find someone. I'm from Boston, I grew up like everyone else and the reason is, I just don't meet enough women that are normal and real. You know?"

Chandler smiled from behind the camera as he continued to watch the interview in front of him.

Oprah nodded, "Well, we could put your number up on the screen and I can assure you my viewers will give you a lot of normal and real to last you a lifetime." They laughed "But seriously, you are picking thirty finalists, that you are flying to Hollywood for interviews?" Joey nodded and drank the water offered to him by the production team "And there, you will be picking the final fifteen. Is that correct?"

"Yep." He smiled

"Well, what do you say we call one of those finalists and tell them that they made the cut?"

"Really? That's great!" Joey was shocked.

Chandler turned to his assistant next to him "No one said he couldn't act." He whispered, causing her to chuckle.

"Monica Geller, from Boston." The phone began to ring over the studios sound system "She should be in her brother's coffee shop right about now." Oprah informed everyone.

Rachel finished wiping the crumbs from a table before looking up at the television screen. The sound was faded in the background with all the commotion in the cafe, but scrolled across the bottom of the screen read "Calling: Monica Geller." Rachel nearly dropped the plate she was holding. "Oh my God, they're calling." Her senses coned in on the ringing phone from behind the counter. Rushing over, she set the plate on the counter and reached for the phone. Clicking, she answered it "Hello?" She replied eagerly, her eyes glued to the television screen airing the Oprah Winfrey show.

"Hi, is this Monica?" Came the voice on the other end, one that no one would mistake for anyone other than Oprah.

Rachel was about to pass out. She covered the receiver and tried to breathe. "Oh my God, oh my God, I'm gonna die, oh my God..." Taking a deep breath, she shouted "Monica! Phone for you!"

Seconds later Monica emerges from the back room with a couple of empty crates in hand. Handing them to Ross, she takes the phone from Rachel. "Hello, this is Monica." She places the phone between her neck so she can finish what she was doing before.

"Hi Monica, this is Joey Tribbiani."

Monica just laughed, continuing her work. "Yeah right, who is this?" Filling a few drinks, she moves to start another pot of coffee.

"It's me. I'm calling from the Oprah Winfrey Show."

"Is this a joke?" Monica smiled

"No, it isn't." Joey shook his head, looking straight at the camera that was flashing red; signaling they were live.

"I know this is a joke." She moved to fill another empty cup before handing it to the customer.

"No really, it's me."

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