Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! I hope all is well given the circumstances. I wasn't going to post this until I was finished, but I figured it gives you all something to read during this unfortunate time.

Stay safe!

He sprinted through the halls of the office searching for his best friend. Zigzagging in and out of meeting rooms he found everyone but who he was looking for. Managers coordinating their performer's career, publishers finding their next marketing tactic, directors drawing up the production line, and producers trying to arrange the finance portion of it all. But he did not pass a single actor. At least, not the one he was looking for. Joey Tribbiani.

Joey has been in a bit of a dry spell these last couple months, and as much as that is hurting Joey, it is also hurting his agent, Chandler Bing.

Being Joey Tribbiani's agent since college, Chandler has learned a few things about the job. For starters, Joey won't take just any part, if he is going to spend 18 hour days on a movie-set he wants more than just the supporting role. Also, people don't go to see the film, they go to see Joey. He is a well-known household name and because of his huge success it takes him nearly a month to finish press; everybody wants him on their show!

Joey prefers mostly action pack films that star a damsel in distress. Or a cheesy romantic comedy that has a hopeless woman by his side. Because of this, Chandler knows exactly where to find his best friend throughout the office.

Where there is a lady, there is a Joey.

Racing to the end of the hall, Chandler stops just outside the door to compose himself. Not even 2 minutes ago he was in a meeting with Mrs. Anderson going over a new production plan. They want Joey, Chandler's talent, to star in their next reality TV show. She pinpointed the expectations, the outcome, everything. All Chandler had to do was get Joey to sign on and then they were onto phase two. Which was pretty much-signing forms saying he can't leave until it's over, he won't sue, blah, blah, blah. Chandler has read forms like these a million times. Just sign here, here, and here and you'll get paid. And Joey usually does.

Stepping into the room, Chandler finds two-woman frolicking on Joey's shoulders. "Hey, man." He shifts from one foot to the other, not sure if he feels comfortable interrupting their playdate. However, what he came to talk about is important, so he couldn't just leave.

Joey looks up to find Chandler standing in the doorway and nods. "Why don't you two go get yourselves a nice latte." He winks at them as they leave his side with a giggle and begin to walk away.

"Thank you." Chandler holds the door open for them as they leave before shutting it for more privacy.

"What's up?" He asks, moving to the other side of his desk where he was organizing his head-shots.

Without a word, Chandler sets the packet on his desk.

"What's this?" He questions, carefully opening the envelope.

"Forms." Chandler smiles "For your show."

"My show?" Joey glances at all the blank lines that await a signature "Like a talk show? I don't know..."

"No. Dude, you will love this." Chandler quickly moves so he is standing beside him. "It's your reality show." He points to the tiny letters at the top of the forms "It's called, I Want to Marry Joey Tribbiani." He tells him "America will pick your wife for you-"

"Wait, what?"

"Think about it," Chandler stops him "For six weeks, you'll have women around you at all times. This makes you very happy." Chandler informs him to which Joey nods, knowing it's true. He does love the ladies. "They are competing for your love. They're throwing themselves at you. It's a win, win situation." He points out "The catch is, America gets to vote each week for the girl they like best. It's the ultimate fantasy for filming. The normal girl marries the big celebrity."

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