First Day of School

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It was 7:45 on August 23th it was the first day of Kindergarten for the next generation of fairy tales. The parents dropped of there kids at the school yard. After saying they goodbyes the kids ran to the playground to play before school.

"Hi Avery" said Mila waving down her cousin.

The two girls hugged each other they stopped when they saw there other cousins Lilly, Olivia, and Axel, also known as The Three Musketeers. They don't talk to each other due to family matters. All the other kids came to school right before the bell rang to go to class.

All the kids went to class a waited for there teacher. Soon there was a bright light and there teacher appeared.

"Good morning Class I'm Ms. Godmother your teacher this year.

"Good morning"said all the kids

"Ok so I'm going to call the roll so please answer when I call your name"

"Lilly Huntsmen"


"Olivia Badwolf"


"Axel Howls"


"Avery Charming"


"Mila Charming"


"Kristofer Cheshire"


"CJ Hearts"


"Madison Wonderland"


"Prim Croakington"


"Rose Croakington"


"Xavier Hood"


"Desmond Swan"


"Nathan Ella"


"Asher Ella"


"Bethany Lockes"


"Ok now we are going to go around the room and introduce ourselves to the class. Ok Lilly you can go first"

"Hi I'm Lilly Huntsmen, my parents are Cerise Hood and Hunter Huntsmen. My favorite color is red and I'm part wolf"

"Olivia its your turn"

"I'm Olivia Badwolf, my parents are Darling Charming and Elijah Badwolf my favorite color is light blue and I'm also part wolf"

"Now Axel"

"I'm Axel Howls, my parents are Ramona Badwolf and Timber Howls my favorite color is dark blue and as you can see I'm part wolf"

"Ok Avery"

"I'm Avery Charming,  my parents are Apple White and Daring Charming, my favorite color is bright red and I going to be queen one day"


"Ummm I'm Mila Charming, my parents are Raven Queen and Dexter Charming, my favorite color is purple and I have magic"

"Kristofer you may go"

"Its me Kristofer Cheshire, my mom is Kitty Cheshire, my favorite color is light purple and I can disappear"


"I'm CJ my mom is Lizzie Hearts, my favorite color is dark red, and I'm not the person to mess with"


"I'm Madison Wonderland, my parents are Madeline Hatter and Alistair Wonderland, I like rainbows and tea parties"

"Prim and Rose"

"Hi were Prim and Rose Croakington,  our parents are Briar Beauty and Hopper Croakington,  our favorite color is hot pink and were twins"


"Yo. I'm Xavier Hood, my parents are Poppy O'hair and Sparrow Hood, my favorite color is dark green and I can play almost every instrument"


"I'm Desmond Swan, my mom is Duchess Swan, my favorite color is white and I know how to dance"

"Nathan and Asher"

"Were Nathan and Asher Ella, our mom is Ashlynn Ella, our favorite color is teal and we can talk to animals"


"Hi everyone I'm Bethany Lockes, my mom is Blondie Lockes, my favorite color is yellow and I like to film things.

The kids had a tour of the school and got a few things they needed for the year and the lunch and recess bell rang.

After lunch the kids ran outside to play.

"Olivia, Axel come over here" said Lilly across the playground.

"Ok"said Olivia.

While they played in the sandbox Avery and Mila played on the swings. Nathan and Asher were on the slide. Prim and Rose were on the monkey bars. Bethany was pretending to have a mirror cast show like her mom. Kristofer, CJ and Madison were having a tea party and Desmond and Xavier were pretending to be pirates.
Recess lasted for 45 minutes. They were called inside for the next classes which were science and art.

After all there classes there parents came to pick them up.

"Mommy, Daddy" said Lilly when she saw her parents

"Hey Lilly did you have a good day" asked Cerise hugging her daughter.

"Yes I had a lot of fun"

"Well we are really glad"

Once Lilly and her parents left Averys parents showed up.

"Hi mom and dad"

"Hi Avery how was your day"


Once all the kids and there parents left Ms. Godmother closed the school and said "What a great first day".

A/N: new chapter. Happy reading.

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