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movie nights were becoming regular. any time uraraka was free the first thing she'd do was text y/n, after chatting for a bit one would ask the other if they wanted to watch a movie at y/n's which was nearly always a yes.

y/n and uraraka both sat on the latter's couch, her grandmother was down stairs taking care of business, happily minding herself and became visibly prideful whenever she heard a laugh come from upstairs.

the two were on a movie marathon of sorts, watching every single action movie that could hold their interest for more than a minute. currently, they sat watching birds of prey, cheering for harley whenever she did anything and everything.

listen, she may have a whole villain rep but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's really cool.

they talked throughout the whole movie, making comments about something a character said or did or just talking to the other and ignoring the movie.

they were enjoying themselves, happy to once again be in each other's company. though when the movie ended, they both sighed under their breath. both sad it was already over, whenever a movie would end uraraka leaving would come soon after.

y/n was tempted to ask her to stay, but they both had school work to do and it is a weekday. maybe another day, she could ask her to come over during the weekend. that would mean she could stay longer.

y/n smiled to herself, turning to see uraraka playing with the end of a blanket. "if you're free over the weekend you can come over, we don't have to watch a movie or anything, we can just talk." she said, getting a bright smile from uraraka who seemed to appreciate the offer.

"that sounds great! i'll see you then, it was nice hanging out with you." she left with one last smile, waving to y/n as she departed and started her walk towards ua.

y/n flopped backwards on her bed, smile spread on her cheeks as she sighed and rolled to her side. she couldn't get uraraka off her mind.

the shy smiles, the laughter that broke through the walls she'd put up, brown eyes that made her feel like she was drowning in chocolate.

uraraka had accidentally made her mark on y/n, she'd showed her she was more than just a face you see at a store. she was more than just a side character in this story that threatened to toss her to the side, to the land of the forgotten.

y/n rubbed her hands on her face, sighing and growing slightly annoyed when her hair bulked up and she felt dog like ears stand from her head.

she bit her lip, rolling her eyes before smiling when she remembered uraraka's cute smile when she first saw her ears.


a/n: i love you! muah muah! 💞💕❤💞❤💞💞❤💕

you deserve happiness! no matter how you get it doesn't matter as long as you're not getting hurt as well as others! stay safe, i love you, some out there cares ♡

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