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uraraka laid peacefully on a rolled out futon, it was officially the summer and the girls of 1-a had stayed over at momo's the night before. mina crashed onto uraraka, screaming as she let out all the pent up excitement she had.

jirou followed after her, a party hat on her head and a smug smile on her face as mina jumped on uraraka.

"wakey wakey my bi cake-y!" she shouted, landing on the bed with her knees as she jumped around successfully stirring uraraka from sleep.

the girl hummed, reluctant to open her eyes but when she did they met black and gold ones.

"you know what today is?" she asked, jirou sat on the edge of her the bed and made a motion with a finger pointing to each of them.

"umm, no?" the sleepy girl asked, head turning when she heard a notification from her phone. "didn't momo say something about waffles last night?" she asked, getting a sigh from mina and a nod from jirou.

"yeah, she's making sure we have everything before we start cooking." jirou added in, getting a glare from mina.

"you guys are changing the subject." mina started as uraraka grabbed her phone and unlocked it, smiling when she saw a good morning text from y/n. "uraraka," she said, getting a h from the girl, "it's june."

"national pride month, baby gay." jirou said, winking at the still half asleep girl before looking down to her phone and back up to her face. "speaking of gay."


it felt like hell outside, the heat made anyone sweat no matter how many layers they stripped themselves of. the sun beat down on uraraka as she stood outside the pet shop she was usually visiting during after school hours.

but not today, it was noon, the peak of summer heat.

aka the perfect time for some cold popsicles to drip all over your hands.

y/n was standing behind the counter when uraraka walked in, both looking at each other and smiling. next to uraraka was biscuit, the small dog barking and swaying it's tail as the girl approached him and his owner.

"hey, bud, you're as cute as ever." y/n cooed as she knelt and pet the small pup. uraraka watched with a smile on her face, cheeks heating when y/n looked up at her and greeted her properly. "stopping by to check on me or are you here for this little guy?" she teased, chuckling when uraraka giggled and rolled her eyes.

"yeah, i went out to get more food for my boy but just happened to come here. the store with the cute girl behind the register." uraraka had walked in the store with the confidence of an elephant walking into a pit of mice but once she saw that charming smile and eyes that pulled her in just enough to keep her wanting more that all flew out the window.

she was determined, after a long talk with her friends, they all agreed that trying out dating over the summer would be the best for uraraka and y/n. school wouldn't be in the way, and they'd both have so much more free time.

it was perfect. all she needs to do is ask.

"someone's confident today," y/n said, smile turning into a smirk as she stood, "it's a good look on you. you seem less nervous and unfiltered." she shrugged, before walking around the counter and watching the girl who stood shell shocked by what was said.

"thank you, for um, noticing." uraraka said in a fluster. her cheeks were tinted more than usual though it was a common sight for y/n, her smile growing dopey as she just sat back and made heart eyes at the girl before her.

to say the sight of uraraka standing in front of windows being flooded by sunlight was absolutely gorgeous would be an understatement. she looked like a goddess, hair a bit messy but in the best way, it complemented her jaw perfectly.

eyes soft and brown, dark enough to pass as an almost black but light enough that if you looked closely you could see specs of golden light.

she was in awe. she watched as the girl brushed a hand through her hair, stray strands falling to the front of her face while others softened out. her lips moved, talking to the other as she giggled before meeting her eyes and stopping to smile softly, returning the silent air of admiring each other.

"you are genuinely so pretty, uraraka. it's a wonder no one else has noticed."


a/n: so that was fucking adorable, i want a y/n. can someone please just love me the way y/n loves uraraka?

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