38 The TV

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"So we skipped work today" Akihiko said staring at the angel beside him seriously as they were eating lunch at the kitchen's counter. They sat side by side on the chairs and was close to each other.
It was Monday and they had skipped work without a prior notice at all.

Hiroyuki looked back at him with an innocent smile and didn't see what was wrong with it as he was eating his spaghetti meatball happily with his loved one.

"Right after you almost—almost tore your assistant's wings apart" Akihiko said raising his eyebrows, stating the obvious reason why it was not okay.
"Did you fire her though" He suddenly asked feeling curious.

"I did. Thats why I went to work on a Saturday" Hiroyuki said and ate his spaghetti.
He felt like eating something Italian that day. Although he was glad Akihiko liked it. He could tell by looking at his almost clean plate. He knows that when Akihiko likes a dish he'd eat it quickly and then stop eating when its almost finish. Then he'd finish it after Hiroyuki finishes his food.

Akihiko tries so hard to hide that he likes it...
Hiroyuki thought and smiled by himself thinking its cute.

"You actually fired her?!" Akihiko exclaimed and was shocked.
Hiroyuki raised his eyebrows as he was puzzled. He thought he made it clear that he fired her the other day.

"Take it back. You know what'll happen if you fire her because of me? They'd absolutely think you have a thing with me" Akihiko said raising his eyebrows.

Hiroyuki's expression changed to annoyance. He hated this topic.

"Plus you're moving in with me. What do you think they'll think of us?" Akihiko asked with disbelief. He really thinks that Hiroyuki never thinks things through.

Hiroyuki sighed and felt disturbed.
"What? Does it matter? Pretty sure everyone knows already" he said.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME" Akihiko squealed panicking.

"At your place....doubt anyone even knows that I know you over at my place" Hiroyuki said calmly and continued eating.

"Okay thats fine....calm down" Akihiko said breathing in and out trying to calm down. Its not that bad, maybe.
"And we need to keep it that way. The devils don't care much about it, but angels—I swear they'll tell them about us if they find out" he said looking at Hiroyuki seriously.

"You need to take her back in" Akihiko said seriously.
Hiroyuki frowned and looked at him feeling annoyed. He didn't want to, he refused. He looked like a kid that was forced to eat his medicine.

"HlROYUKI" Akihiko said sternly.

"Fine" Hiroyuki said grunting and frowned.
"Only because I wanna move in with you and nothing else" He said and put down his fork after finishing his meal.

"Then that's done" Akihiko said and ate the remaining food on his plate, finishing it.

"I still hate her" Hiroyuki said under his breath and laid his back on the chair.

"Not my problem" Akihiko said wiping his lips with the napkin.

Hiroyuki looked at him with disbelief
"How can you let her go? I mean—you're a devil. Shouldn't you at least hold a grudge at her? Why are you forgiving her" he said folding his arms. His heart was still burning with anger every time he thinks about her.
He hated her for calling Akihiko such rude things.

Akihiko put down his fork and drank up his water after he finished his meal.
Hiroyuki was still mad and annoyed as he kept thinking of how he was supposed to be working with her. She is his assistant after all.

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