Chapter 24

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Then I saw those eyes that looks so familiar. No no, it can't be him.


"James" I whispered
Then he turn back and start to skate again, I guess he wants to battle again.. Oh no, this can't be happening..
"HOPE! HOPE! HOPE!" How did they know my name!? This is a bad idea..
Then I start to realize a taste that's salty, tears. I quickly wipe it away, because of the flashback I have in my mind bout James.. How can he be here? Why is this happening to me? Why is there always a problem if I'm alone without anyone I know? Ugh. Then I start to skate normally not wanna let people know I'm a loser.. Then he started to skate and do the 'pro thingy' and I know I'm not gonna make it successfully, but I want to, at least I've tried. I started to skate and do the pro but then I thought I'm gonna fell or something but then it turns out that I did it successfully and also turns out that I got mor cheer than him.. That's great, I feel special now.


Everyone started to go back, and I followed them all, I'll probably have lunch with Ashley. Suddenly, I felt two hands grabbed my arms and out it at the back like what's cops do. It hurts so much. What is wrong today?! I turn back to see a boy that I don't know and another boy standing beside James.

"Well well, look at this poor thing" he said with evil eyes
"Let me go!" I screamed
"You wanna go home? I don't think so"
"What do you want?!"
"Nothing. You'll see later." He smiled in a evil way.
"Bring her to the place"
Wait. What place!? Where is he taking me to?! What is he gonna freaking do with me!? This kind of questions are now bursting in my head. My brain can blow up anytime soon now. Then his friends push me harshly to a place that really creep me out. It's some kind of a house, well a normal house but when you get inside, it's normal, but also creepy in the same time. It's just really hard to explain this. Then without me realizing where there bringing me to, darkness came and took over me.


HEY GUYSS!! OMG it's been a while, I haven't post, REALLY SORRY. I'm having my vacay, and I have so much fun, but I don't want to keep you guys waiting so.. I still continue writing and posting for you guys!! Well not daily tho.. Sorry.. :(( but I'll try now to keep posting daily, I'll post maybe twice a day if I reach the amount of votes I want ;) but I'm pretty sure I can post tomorrow cause it's not a really busy day, hope I can reach the amount of votes I want and post MORE THAN TWICE!? That can just happen.. So yeahh! Just telling you all this to keep you guys updates I guess.. So yeahh! Off to sleep now. Byee <333 x

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