"He's a keeper! Can I have him?" Sasha asked.

"No! I want to stay with my sister!" Zach said as he hugs me tighter. Not letting me go.

"OK, I can't breathe now. Come on, Zach. Let me go." I patted Zach's back when his grips becoming unbearable.

Slowly, Zach let go of his death grip on me.

"He's cute." Krista said.

"Yeah, can be a handful sometimes."

"Kids. What do you expect them to do?" Ymir scoffed.

"Well, I'd like to be a kid back!" Sasha waved her arms excitedly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because people will always feed the kids!" We chuckled at Sasha's answer. Of course she'd said that. After I became her friend, I was shocked to know about her obsession with food. Her food obsession level was at Levi's level of cleaning obsession, I must say. Why did I have to compare her with Levi? I don't even know why I think about him. I'm pissed with him. I shook my trying to erased his very existence in my head.

"Are you alright, (y/n)?" Krista asked. She looked concerned for me. Aww, she's the sweetest person!

I gave her a smile. "I'm fine."

"Hey, guys. When the seniors and the teacher were sleeping, let's sneak out to the lake!" Sasha said.


"Let's swim together!"

"In the middle of the night?"

"In the middle of the night." Sasha confirmed.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Krista said warily.

"Oh, come on Krista! Its going to be fun!"

"I don't kno-"

"Ymir! I know you want to see Krista in her bikini, right?" Sasha elbowed Ymir's side. Everyone know about Ymir's crush on Krista and they took advantage of it sometimes. Like what Sasha was doing right now.

Ymir's face was hinted with pink. "Well, just one night won't hurt, Krista." Ymir said.

I rolled my eyes. I don't think she'll be able to see Krista's bikini. I mean, its night! You can basically see nothing.

"If you say so." Krista finally agrees.

"How about you, Mikasa and (y/n)?"

Mikasa shrugged while I nodded my head. Sometimes break the rule a little won't hurt, right? Like Jean said and I quote, 'rules are meant to be broken'.

"Its time to eat!" Jean called us. Sasha literally ran after she heard that.

*time skip*

"Was that even food?" Ymir asked us. Currently, we were in our tent waiting for the others to fell asleep. I share the tent with Mikasa, Ymir and Krista. Sasha was in another tent beside ours. Sam and Zach shared a tent with Mr Smith. I hope those guys are fine.

"I guess so? Sasha ate them." I said.

"That girl will eat anything in her sight."


Jean and the boys managed to cook the food on time even with constant bickering with Eren. But I guess some time between the bickering, the food got worst and the colour turns deadly black. It just screamed danger to us. The taste was there (if you concentrate hard enough), but let's just say a certain shorty didn't like the food and forced me to cook for tomorrow. The boys were punished for not keeping an eye at the progress and they were running 50 laps around the camp site. They should be finished by now, though.

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