Part 10

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Part 10: treating messages

Roach ran right in with his men to the hide out just like they where told Deimos was right with Andrew who had just passed out due to blood loss.

Roach turns on his walkie talkie.

Roach: We have an officer down we need help in here right now send in the medicals now!!

He then turns the walkie off

Deimos still has his hands on Andrew's cuts blood is all over his hands by this point.

Roach then try's to take over

Roach: I'll deal with him Deimos take the rest of my guys and go help your partners I got this!!

Deimos nods his head agreeing with him he pulls out his rifle and loads it not caring that his hands where bloody now was not the time. Deimos then runs off to find Hank and Sanford.

By pure luck Deimos didn't have to go very far when he heard Sanford.

Sanford: Hank I'm out of ammo I need more!!

Deimos started running even faster he runs to the corner of the door a gang member was going for Sanford when Hank was dealing with two other members.

The member was getting ready to hit Sanford with a crowbar when Deimos shot him a colorful dart into his back the member then fell on Sanford out cold and they both hit the floor Hank just got done knocking out the second member going for him he ran to his partners Deimos was helping Sanford back up.

Deimos: Sanford are you okay!?

Sanford nods his head fully standing up

Sanford: I'm good thanks for stepping in we need to finish clearing this place....

Deimos: how many we got left?

Before there was in answer the cops fill the room dealing with the knocked out gang members.

Hank: just one more the gang leader I'll take care of him you two hang tight.

Sanford was completely wore out he was okay with that.

Deimos: Hank we all three agree to do this together...I.....

Hank: Deimos I got this I'm the fastest outta or group anyways.

Deimos still didn't like it.

Deimos: becareful because you do have a date tonight and I'm not sure how me and Sanford will explain this Julia if something happens.

Hank smiles under his face mask

Hank: clearly you don't know me well enough...


20 minutes later

The cops was just leading the last gang member to there police car Roach was with the trio.

Roach: you three did an amazing job tonight these monsters will be put away I can't thank you three enough.

Deimos was cleaning the rest of Andrew's blood off his hands.

Deimos: Roach is Andrew going to be okay?

Roach: thanks to you three he will be fine I'll even be sure to give you details about him in the future.

Deimos nods his head yawn he was tried.

Sanford: not to be rude or anything but Chief Roach can we go?? *yawn*

Roach looks at Sanford who looked super tired and looked at Hank who also looked tired.

Roach: yeah of course get some sleep you three I'll call for your next mission.

Hank and the trio was to tried to respond they just nod there heads agreeing and then they headed to there car back home but not before Sanford walks up to Deimos smacking him right in the balls Deimos leans over in pain.

Deimos: damn it Sanford that fucking hurt!!

Sanford: that's for earlier!!

Deimos: you could have warned me....

Sanford: yeah but it wouldn't have been as much fun.

Hank just chuckles at what he was seeing and lightly shakes his head smiling under his face mask.


Five hours later

Hank woke up yawning still a little tired after returning home from the mission his stomach was growling he was hungry. He was in relief that Julia was whiling to pull back there date until a few more days because Hank was still quite tired.

Then Hank noticed the smell someone was already cooking food Hank gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen.

He see's his to partners Sanford was frying some eggs and bacon and Deimos was on his cellphone they both still looked tired they had bags under there eyes.

Deimos looks up and see's Hank and yawns

Deimos: didn't think you would be eating with us Hank?

Hank: I'm starving I can't sleep on an empty stomach Deimos.

Sanford: see I told you Deimos it's really hard to sleep if you haven't eaten anything.

Deimos: whatever....

Then a text message appeared on Deimos cellphone screen.

????: hello Deimos wasn't to happy you blocked my number again.

Deimos rolls his eyes ever since they stopped there first gang he has been getting some strange text messages and some times death threats.

?????: you and your partners should leave Nevada for the sake of everyone unless you want a problem or better yet keep your partners safe I know where you live.

Deimos laughs and text back.

Deimos: you are aware Hank can and will kick your ass at anytime so save you some time and stop texting me?

?????: well will kill him and Sanford and then you....

By this point Deimos was getting annoyed with whoever this person was. Hank could clearly tell Deimos was getting upset.

Hank: Deimos you alright

Deimos looks at Hank and nods his head yes

Deimos: I'm alright

Sanford then hands him a plate of food he looks at it and hands it to Hank.

Sanford: dude Deimos I made that for you

Deimos: no thanks Sanford I'm just not that hungry that's all I'm gonna go lay down.

Deimos then stands up and walks to his room.

Hank: Sanford is he feeling okay?

Sanford: I think he's a little worried about that cop we saved I mean there was a ton on blood on him and what not....

Hank: but we have seen blood before Sanford that don't make any sence.....

Sanford: I think it's mostly reminds him of the time he got shot and died remember.

It make sense to Hank

Hank: probably so

Hank then removes his face mask and started eating the food Deimos didn't want.

This wasn't the reason why Deimos is acting weird.


Deimos enters his room and went onto his desktop computer and started looking at the.
camera videos he has set up around the house without Hank and Sanford knowing.

"We know who you are Deimos." Massage popped up on the screen.

Deimos types back

"What do you want!?"

"I know Hank is eating bacon and eggs and Sanford is cooking."

"Leave my partners out of this!!"

"I know Hank sleeps with a knife under his pillow Sanford is a neat freak and you waste your days away smoking in your room because you can't stand to look at yourself."

Deimos angry at this point types in

"How about you shut the fuck up just tell me what you want!?"

"I would like to meet you face to face in a few days there is a task I want you to do and if you tell your partners well there will be some problems you understand what's going on here right?"

Deimos reply's back

"Task for what exactly??"

"For Project Armageddon goodbye Deimos."

.... Signing off....

"Remember don't tell your partners."

Message ended.

Deimos looks at the screen in shock because the first camera video that he saw was in his room a figure in all black clothes was in front shake his finger back and forward and Deimos could see himself sleeping on the bed in the background this was clearly filmed during nighttime and these camera's only goes off when a stranger is in the house.

A little text appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"We are always watching you Deimos!!"

A loud bang could be heard and Deimos then does something he almost never does he started to scream.


Sanford: Deimos wake up your dreaming wake up Deimos wake up!!

But Deimos was still asleep screaming

Hank then try's to to wake him up by shaking on him.

Hank: Deimos wake up!!

That finally did it Deimos wakes straight up once again hitting his head on his shelf.

Deimos: Jebus Christ!!

Sanford takes a deep breath

Sanford: dude Deimos you where screaming in your sleep that is not like you.

Deimos rubs his tired eyes and sore head he then just realized Hank was in his room too.

Whipping the sweat from his face

Deimos: I just had a nightmare that's all look I'm still tired I'll try not to scream in my sleep again.

Sanford: Deimos are you feeling okay? I mean if someone would scream in there sleep out of the tree of us I expect Hank doing that but you.

Deimos looks at him face to face

Deimos: I promise I'm fine Sanford

Sanford nods his head and so does Hank but it was still odd and the two try to leave Deimos room to there own rooms.

Hank couldn't help but feel something was off about all of this little did he know was he was right.

Because the next couple of nights ends up being a living hell for Sanford because both of his partners would scream in there sleep Sanford grabs his pillow and puts it on his face the worst thing about this was Sanford couldn't stop this only Hank and Deimos can and that's by letting them get to out of there system and this made Sanford cranky as hell during the day too.

Deimos was the main one to notice it because Sanford should glare at him during the day and Deimos knew this wasn't his fault they where used to Hank doing it but him doing it was completely new and it's something they will all have to get used to for a long while.

Because all three of them knew something wrong was about to happen they just don't know what exactly or when? 

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