Day 6 ~ A Stranger

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Dear stranger,

Nice to meet you!! My name is PrincessShakyra or you can call me Kyra.

I am a highschool and i am not a people person. Well i am once I get to know you, but if I dont know you, I will stay away from you. I have been through a lot in my years but i think at this point I am an ok person.   My passion has to be singing and dancing. It keeps me alive. Reading is also something I enjoy.

If you are reading this you have probibly noticed that I write poems. They arent amazing I will tell you, but they are what I can do. They are my emotions pured out into words. When I am upseat they are why I dont hurt myself more than emotional. To be honest, I am an emotional wreck. Most days I wanna give up. My family and I are constantly in arguments and at school I am used when peole need friends. Really, I dont know how I have made it this far. The sad part is that if I wouldnt say anything, no one would know.  

I am not all depressing. One of my favorite things glitter. <3 My favorite animals are kittens, cows, monkeys, turtles, and penguins. They are SOOOOO cute. I cant say that I will be your favorite person, but as long as you arent a creapy stalker, I would really like to get to know you. I am a lonly person and anyone is amazing for me.

Nice to meet you,


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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 23, 2012 ⏰

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