Day 5 ~ Your Dreams

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Dear Dreams,

WOW!! I swear this is a God wink. My dreams have completely controlled my day today. I don’t know if this is about dreams or dreams for the future, but I will do both.

First my dreams at night. WHAT IN THE WORLD!!! That had to be the strangest dream that I have ever remembered. What was I doing going into a dark hallway. What was with getting captured, tested on, and released with a large sum of money at the end of a year? I am so confused. Oh well, it gave me a good basis for my stories. ;) I love to dream. You give me an escape, especially day dreams. I can be whoever I want to and I don’t have to worry about people hurting me there. I can be who I truly am. It is a beautiful escape that it provides me with. Without dreams, survival would be so much harder.

Now for my dreams for the future. Every year you seem to creep closer, like animal waiting to attack. What am I going to do with my life. Everyone says to follow what you are passionate about, but what I am passionate about doesn’t get much work. I am seriously thinking about going for a music director or a professional singer or dancer, but we all know that it will never happen. I can always dream though right? Lol, I am so weird. I am really looking forward to reach you my beautiful dreams as long as I am at Taylor University with my Maddy. Thanks for the consideration.

Stay with me my beautiful dreams,

~ Kyra <3

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