Chapter seven: The Fradow forest part 1: the road towards it.

Start from the beginning

I looked at the drops again. I took a monster of it in a tube and put the tube in my bag. Okay, so I just need to keep my eyes at my friends, stay together, protect them from danger, and most importantly: don't get lost. Oh and of course don't stay in there for too long. 

Kai who are you talking to? Oh uh, nobody. Yeah right. Wait you heard him talking? Yeah? You guys didn't hear anything then? No? They all answer. Oh uhm, then I uh then I must heard it in my head or something. Yeonjun said. Yeah probably. 

We then heard a female voice coming from a loudspeaker. Okay kids, are y'all ready for the excursion. Nothing but groans can be heard from the students and some teachers. Yeah well, me neither. But we have to do it for your biology knowledge, so we  gotta deal with it.

Just don't get lost. Okay now everyone, take your bikes and follow ms. McCray and mrs. Kim. Okay kids this way! Ms. McCray shouted in English from the exit of the school's garden.

I sighed and walked to the bike rack where my bike was parked. When I arrived, I saw a note stuck on my bike. It said: Success in the forest kid. I hope you'll survive........ Or not. And if you won't, then I'll take one of your friends. Good luck. S~ 

The last part of the note was covered with an oil stain. But was it even oil? It smelled different. I picked out the monster of that black oil I found earlier. It's the same smell and texture. Weird. 

Whatever, I'll figure it out later. I unlocked my bike, got on it, and biked to my friends who were waiting for me at the gate. What took you so long? Soobin asked. Couldn't find my keys. Wow. They all rolled their eyes at me. I chuckled. Let's just get going okay? Okay let's go, Yeonjun said. 

And so we drove off, quickly catching up with the others. And then I saw it. A shadow, on the sidewalk. My eyes widened and I quickly turned back focusing on the way in front of me. Guys what's that! Taehyun pointed at a huge black puddle on the road. We stopped at the side for a second to look at it properly. Taehyun got off of Beomgyu's bike and looked at the puddle almost walking in it. Then something weird happened. His shadow was moving but Taehyun wasn't. Oh no the shadows! I thought to myself. 

Then a huge truck appeared out of nowhere driving at full speed in the direction Taehyun was standing. Taehyun watch out! I yelled. He didn't move an inch. His eyes were black and it looked like his soul had left his body. 

The shadow was taking over him. Shoot. The truck came closer and closer and I had no other option then to STOP THE TIME! I ran up to Taehyun and held my hand in front of the truck as a stop sign. The time has stopped. I did it. I used my ability. But I had to do it, or else Taehyun would have died.

Good job, you saved your friend. Taehyun, or the shadow, suddenly said. No, well yes but you almost killed him! Well well, chill out man his safe now. Just LEAVE! I yelled at him. I can, but what if I don't want to. He said with a smirk on his face. Leave now, I said through gritted teeth.

But I don't want to leave, he said on a childlike tone. Okay do what you want, stay, then I'll just send you back to where you come from. He laughed. whatever you are gonna do, it probably will never wo- I cut him off with making a huge black portal appear. 

He tried to fly away, but I was stronger. I held the portal right above him. Leave his body! Now! No! Never! He yelled back. I then said a safety spell: Let the danger drive away, and bring the safety off the mortal his life back to play. And then I said the magic word: MOA. (HeheXD) 

NOOOOOO! He screamed and the shadow disappeared, as it got sucked in to the portal. You won't get away with this young man! Wait till they find you in the forest! He shouted before he fully disappeared. 

He was now on his way to his own world. He was gone, but I know what will happen next. I have to make sure my friends are safe. I then looked at Taehyun who was in the air, falling down. My eyes widened as I quickly teleported under him and catch him in my arms. I let out a sigh and set him back on to his feet. 

I then backed away a little and let him replay the accident. He was now standing still in front of the huge truck. I backed away some more but not to far and then snipped my fingers, and everything went back to normal. People were looking at Taehyun with shocked and scared faces.

 I made a run for it and quickly pulled Taehyun with me to the side walk. I felt the engine of the truck right next to my ear as I jumped. If I was one second too late, we both would lay under that truck right now. We landed with a loud thud on the sidewalk and people were rushing over. 

The driver of the truck even parked his truck aside and got out to check if we were okay. I saw Taehyun sitting next to me, shaking and quivering out of fear. This poor boy first of all almost got killed by a huge truck, and then a shadow took over his body. He probably is exhausted. And he was. He tried to stand up but failed. I saw the other boys running up to us and they asked us if we were okay and helped us with standing up.

Yeah I'm fine I think. You sure you aren't hurt? Yeonjun asked worriedly. No i'm okay, I said. No your not, he said while he looked me straight in the eyes. Yes I I'm fi- I got cut of by Yeonjun who backed away and stretched out his arms in front of me. He closed his eyes and moved with his arms in circles. Yeonjun what are you do- Show me your left hand. Huh? I looked at him confused. Your hurt. I'm hurt I asked?

Yes, now just show me your hand. I did what I was told and I showed him my left hand. I saw a deep cut in my palm what after the realization, extremely hurts. Wait, I didn't even noticed that cut.

You must shaved your hand on something sharp laying in the ground. He then held my hand tightly and his hair began glowing and floating. I looked at him with big eyes, he was glowing?

 He closed his eyes and held his own hand above my hurt one moving it in circles. Heal, he said and then high-fives (or low-fives) my hand. Ow I said, and quickly pulled my hand back in a reflex. I looked at my hand and it was....Healed, I heard someone say in my head. 

It couldn't be my other uncle right? He is on a mission. So who was it? I looked at Yeonjun who was looking at me with big eyes. You heard what I just said to you? Or thought. Then my eyes widened too. Yeonjun, you have powers too? 

His eyes widened. He touched my shoulder. Kai I- BAAAAAAAAAAAM!AAAAAHHHH! What was that?! We heard someone scream. Our eyes widened. And then blood came out of Yeonjun his mouth, as he fell unconscious on the ground. Yeonjun! I screamed with tears in my eyes. His breathing slowly became softer. NOOOOOOOO!


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