Chapter 6: Jake's Quest

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The next early morning,he fed Celeste. He then wrote a note to Uncle Teddy.

"Dear Uncle Teddy,
                  I am having a big problem here. I heard the Sloras talking about finishing his deed. And she was telling her daughter not to befriend their lot.  I am pretty sure that it meant Muggle-Borns. And him refers to Voldemort. Then after a while, I saw Oiseau Slora ( the daughter) speaking Parseltongue. I, recently found out that the Slora family is descended from Herpo the Foul. And Oiseau didn't wanna do the job. But her mother is forcing her to. Maybe it's some kind of weapon. I have told this to Professor Maria since Professor McGonagall wasn't here. I look forward to report this to Professor McGonagall today if she is here. What should I do? What do you think are they talking about? Why isn't a new organisation formed against the Dark Conjurers like the Order of the Phoenix? Why is the Ministry not putting proper measures? I expect a reply soon....

Lots of Love,

Jake Anderson Lopham

PS: I wanna change my surname so bad.

Jake then went to the roof of the tower and sent his Owl. He watched his owl flying away. But suddenly, he saw a jet of green light hitting Celeste as she fell down and down and down. Jake realised that his Owl had fell into the Quidditch Pitch. He had a long way to reach. He ran. Sure,Celeste just fell. Nothing happened. The green jet was just his imagination. He thought of all things to calm himself from breaking down. 

He finally reached the Quidditch pitch after running for two minutes. He looked at his owl. It lay, with it's face frozen. It's eyes weren't moving. He touched it's wings. It was Ice cold. Jake's head was almost reaching insanity. Jake then noticed that the letter attached to it's leg wasn't there.It was gone. Jake didn't have time to care about that. He took the owl in his arms and ran towards the Hospital Wing.

Jake's face looked terrible. Tears were pouring down his cheeks. He reached the Hospital Wing and gave it to Madam Pomfrey.

"My child,I am no bird doctor",said Madam Pomfrey. "Take it to Professor Hagrid". Jake nodded. He was now running to Hagrid's Hut, which was located near the forest. Hagrid took her and examined it for a while. Jake was praying continuously to god. Hagrid, after sometime turned to Jake and shook his head slowly. "Sorry kid....Your owl is gone...".

Jake was between the bridge of sanity and insanity. He tried screaming, but no sound came out. Hagrid started consoling him,but Jake hugged Hagrid and started crying loudly. Hagrid said he would bury the owl the next day.

After a long time, Jake departed Hagrid. He was having an enormous pain. Celeste was one of those creatures Jake went to talk when he felt sad or lonely. Jake was on the way stopped by Slora.

"So Lopham. Or let's say Rhyder. You shouldn't be poking your nose around my matters. You saw what happened to your Owl. Yes, it was me who killed your bird. Do you think I would believe that you would not send letters to anyone about me? I knew what was in the letter. So I killed your owl and I got your letter. Good luck burying your pesky-"

Jake jumped for Slora's throat. He wanted to kill her. He pointed his wand at her face. But she kicked him out of her body. She pointed her wand at him and said,"CRUCIO".

Jake's head was paining. He was hit by the Unforgivable Torturing Curse. He felt as if his head was about to burst. She removed the curse. She said sweetly,"You know, this is for interfering in my matters". She walked away leaving Jake on the floor.
She said without turning," You know,if you complain,you are a fool. I killed your owl. So it would be cowardly for someone else to take action".

Jake now decided not to tell McGonagall. As he wanted to avenge Slora himself. He was sitting in the Common Room watching the fire. He then saw Oiseau getting inside the Common Room. He felt his blood boiling. Slora had killed his owl. And her daughter was coming inside. Jake sprang towards Oiseau.
"Step aside,you jerk",she said.
"STOP SHOUTING YOU CULTURELESS FELLOW",Oiseau yelled back. It was just them in the Common Room.

"YEAH, Wait what?",Oiseau's wild expression had changed.

There was a moment of silence as Jake was kneeling on the ground hitting his head hard. Only his crying sound was heard. He then got up and without a word turned to walk away. But then suddenly, someone had touched Jake's hand and pulled it back gently. Eyes full of tears, Jake turned back. It was Oiseau. Her eyes were filled with tears too. All of a sudden she hugged Jake crying.
"Oh I am very sorry Jake....I am really sorry",said Oiseau. Jake was surprised. The girl who was hugging him was the very same girl who had called him jerk until a few moments ago.

" We did have a rivalry, Jake. But then I decided to compromise but I didn't know how. With the fight between us a story spread in school. I haven't ever been nice to you,have I?",said Oiseau after a while as they both sat in the sofa near the fireplace. Jake said still not recovered from his grief," Nah,it was my fault. I barged into your conversation at Diagon Alley. I started the whole thing",said Jake. "Oh,Jake..I really have family troubles. I am always pressured to follow my family to be a Dark Conjurers. My dad and mom started this organisation for a stupid dead rotting master. I knew I couldn't live up to their expectations. And I don't want to,too. You know Jake, I haven't told anything about my feelings yet. But, since you are on a quest finding out what my mother is upto, I am giving you certain clues about what she's up to",said Oiseau. "Well, why don't you tell me straightly instead of giving clues",said Jake. "I wish I could. I really hate my family Jake. I just wish to run away. I wish I could tell on her. I was just born to be a tool of the Dark Conjurers. Mom says that when they will conquer the world because of my work,I will attain a great place. And oh, Jake. I wish I could tell you. But I was forced to make an unbreakable vow. I break, I die. I wanna stop her plan. But I don't wanna die either. Do you know, why I argued with you at Diagon Alley? I normally don't make a big fuss on people entering conversations uninvited but I hate it anyway. But those three weeks,  I was pressured by my family to be a Slytherin? I said I couldn't do anything, it was the hat's decision. But she was pressuring me. All that was kinda driving me crazy. So I insulted you alot then. Then, I thought how Andy would feel if I befriend someone we fought with. I knew I was being stupid,but....."

She stopped speaking. After a while she said,"Well, I can't tell you who am I doing it for, Why am I doing it and when. You haven't gone through a life like me. Nobody has. Your family blaming,scolding and beating you for everything. Anything happens bad-"

"They blame you",Jake finished her sentence for her. "Yeah, I ran out of my house. I was always mistreated. I ran to my uncle's. I have gone through more terrible times than you. I witnessed my younger brother going away....far away. Alive or dead, I don't know", he paused. Oiseau said," I am sorry,friend".

Jake was feeling better. Finally having a friend from his same house.  Then, Oiseau replied giving a hand. "Friends?". She was smiling. Jake wiped his tears. He smiled weakly. He still was in grief with Celeste's departure. He gave his hand and shook it with hers and said,"Always,my dear". 

They went together for breakfast. On the way, Andy blocked them. "Whoa,whoa,whoa. Why you walking with the jerk? Get out. Get out".

"Oh,Andy. Stop it. We don't have any problems between us from now",said Oiseau. Andy looked dumbstruck. Since Andy was a Ravenclaw, he was on another table. Jake and Oiseau sat together and talked for a while. 

The day passed. Oiseau then said farewell as she went inside her dormitory. Jake, then that night sneaked to the roof of Hogwarts. He was sitting there. He was having a flashback of what happened that day. His owl had died, but a friendship was born between him and Oiseau. He wasn't exactly sure if he was happy or not. Anyway, Hagrid said he was going to bury Celeste the next day. 

"Well well. Look who is here. Jake Anderson Lopham",said a female voice. Jake turned to see Liliane Slora pointing her wand at him. He got up and started moving back. But then he realised that if he moves one more step back, he would fall all the way down from the Hogwarts Castle's roof. "Thinking you can befriend my daughter to know what we are up to? Like I said you are too nosy. But you are too nosy to live. Avada Kedavra"
He took the step down. He fell down from the roof of Hogwarts. Slora's green light missed him as he was going down........

He saw Slora shooting another green light at him. It missed him by a few centimetres. His vision was becoming blurry as it became blank and blank and blank.....

Jake Anderson: A Hogwarts TaleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin