At that very moment, you just knew there wouldn't be any chance for you to be free from it's grip. You look at the side, there your comrade shouting and trying to get to you. Eren getting ready to bite his hand. You look at him and said, Eren, don't. Climb. Run. Get away.

Eren looked at you with eyes wide and tears piling up on his eyes.

A smile painted on your pale face.

Hah.... I guess, this is the end for me. Not that it wouldn't end even if I managed to get away from this. Levi doesn't love me.
I'm reduced to this sorry state and couldn't even protect my family.
And for the cherry on top, my fucking flower disease.
What an unlucky human I am.

Not even bothering to struggle anymore, you look at the Titan's mouth becoming closer and closer in view.

If I die, will everything end?

I'm tired of everything.

I guess getting eaten by a titan in a battlefield is fine.

If I just die, I won't feel anything anymore right?
This endless suffering will end right?

You close your eyes as you slowly approach the mouth of the gigantic being. A stream of warm tear rolls down your cheek.

If so, then I'll gladly welcome this death.

Are you sure about that?


Then why are the other you crying for help?

What do you mean?

'Help me..'

'Anyone, please'

'I don't want to die...'

'I don't want to die... I don't want to die. I don't want to die! I don't want to die!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!'

That's right. I don't want to die. I have a brother I must protect!

But what can you do right now in this miserable state? Your limbs are squished and you could barely have strength left. Pathetic. You shouldn't have freely opened your heart. If you hadn't done that, you wouldn't fall to this pathetic state of yours.

It's all your own fault.

Now you must pay with your own life.

Enjoy your death that you cause by yourself.

You freezed at word and the titan gobbles you up. You slide down onto it's mouth and close the only source of light along with the image of your comrade crying over you probably death.

With the only little strength you got, you grab onto your spare knife and stab it on it's throat, making you not sliding down despite your hand grabbing onto the non-handled knife. The crimson liquid drip and continue dripping, painting your face and you can taste iron in your mouth.

Goodbye (Levi x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now