Chapter 6:

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(Gangster Love: Return If Possible)

Chapter 6: Déjà vu

(Bethany's P.O.V)

Waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs is extremely rare in the house. For one, none of the guys know how to cook and I was still in bed. I really didn't mind at the moment, I just couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. Just being able to be near him made me feel some type of way, but hearing what he said made me feel another way, and it wasn't that good of a feeling. I finally decided to get out of bed and so I did. I sat at the edge of the bed just taking in my surroundings and stretching my arms out. I heard a knock at the door and slowly turned my head.

"Morning" Ryan said.

"Sup" I replied, "who's cooking?"

"We just finished, come down and eat. We gotta get stuff done."

"What kind of stuff?" I farrowed my eyebrows and got up to walk towards the bathroom.

"Well actually we do I don't know 'bout you."

I simply nodded and locked the door before getting in the shower. I did my normal routine, just wash my hair and body. Of course you have to brush those teeth so that's what I did. After that I straightened my hair did a smokey but neutral brown eye look with a nude pink lip and winged eyeliner. My hair was straight and I added a SnapBack. I wore a basketball type jersey that said 22 in white and some shorts with black Supras. Being 18 isn't as hard as I thought it would be, actually.
I headed outside my room and down the stairs. The fridge was the first thing I opened, because well, there's food but I just wanted Apple juice at the moment. I served my self a glass of it and drank it not even realizing that the boys were here too.

"Mhmh" someone cleared their throat.

I turned around and saw Chaz, Ryan, Fredo, Twist and well...Justin. Oh God help me.

", Ryan I'm going out."

"Oh no you aren't, he's here to talk with you." He pointed towards Justin with his head.

"Ryan I'm gonna be late I'll be back later he can come tomorrow." I said heading towards the door. I really had nowhere to go.

"BETH!" He stayed calm, "don't do this now." He stated.

"Ryan..." He interrupted.

"Bethany!" When he calls me that I know I have to listen.

"I'm gonna come with you." I heard Justin say.

"Go ahead." Chaz said.

I started walking out the door and grabbed my keys on the way. I opened the door and heard Justin follow behind, I spun the keys in my hand and turned on the car even before I got in.

"I'll drive," Justin said "I'm a professional." He laughed while I tossed him the keys. Sometimes I can't stay mad at him.

I got in the passengers side and slammed the door which I kind of regret because my car is my baby. Justin turned on the car and rolled down the windows. The weather is so weird, one day it's raining the next its summer the week after its winter and then the next week it's fall. Mother Nature needs to stop.

"Beth..." I heard Justin lowly say.

I looked at him and he was staring down at himself then he looked up at me. I miss his brown beautiful eyes.

"I've missed you." He hugged me from the side and kept his head in my hair.

I didn't hug back until I heard sniffing. Was he crying?

"Justin, are you crying?"

"Beth I love you, I've always loved you. Every day and every night I thought about you. I couldn't stop thinking of you and it killed me not being next to you not being able to kiss you." He licked his lips and held my hand.

"Please take me back."

I felt bad, I've missed him too, but what about that other girl.

"Justin, I-I...what about that girl from yesterday, why did you pretend to be my cousin why did you push me away?" I was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry princess I didn't want to, you don't know how many emotions I was feeling at that moment. If only you knew I know you'd take me back."

"Who was she though?"

"She my girlfriend, but baby I swear I'd rather be with you for the rest of my life, for as long as I live."

I looked down at my legs and realized how much me and Justin were squeezing our hands. I know deep down we still love each other but that's deep deep down. I can't feel it.

"Can I have my own time, you know, to think?" I asked.

He sniffed and his eyes weren't as red anymore but the color was still there. He nodded and faced forward, I didn't know where we were going but as long as I had company I'd go anywhere.


After a while of driving we got to the top of some hills, the city was beautiful and it was just me and Justin. Wait...what?

I remember this place


"Yeah" I turned around and saw a smirk on his face, it was more of a smile.

"Is this the same place as..."

"Mhm" he nodded.

I stood alone for a while just overlooking the city. The night was coming I could see the sun starting to set, the beautiful mix of pink, yellow, orange and purple starting to fade in the sky. Every single little detail, I was paying attention to.
The night was almost here and it started getting even more dark. I felt two arms wrap around my waist, I didn't do anything about it, then his chin rested on my shoulder. We both overlooked the city in the night sky. Slowly our bodies started getting closer and having the same connection as we once did. His arm leaned to the front and swiped across the whole view basically indicating me to look at what he's saying and how beautiful it is.

It was getting closer to 9:00 and we had to head home. I got back in the car and slept the whole ride.

(Justin's P.O.V)

Spending time with Beth made me feel a bit more complete than ever. She's so beautiful and as much as I wanted to hug her, squeeze her, kiss her, I couldn't. Well not yet. She looked so beautiful just wrapped up sleeping on her seat. We got home and I being the gentleman I am, I carried her inside to her room bridal style.

"Justin?" I heard before I left the room.

"Yeah babe?" I said. I loved calling her mine because she belongs to no one else. She's only mine.

"Can you stay and sleep here?"

How could anyone say no to that. "Of course." I took off my shoes and socks and slept in only my shorts. I held her close to me, our body heat keeping us warm. She smelled so good.


"Mhm" I responded with my eyes closed.

"Yes...." She said and I smiled.

Gangster Love 2: Return If PossibleWhere stories live. Discover now