Chapter 3:

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(Gangster Love: Return If Possible)

Chapter 3: This Isn't Real...

(Alfredo's P.O.V)

Bethany's mouth kept going on and on and on, it was starting to get really annoying that she wouldn't let me finish. Sometimes I just want to permanently glue her mouth shut. She never gets anything or let's anyone speak, it always has to be her way and if she doesn't get it her way she would turn just like Justin would if people were all up on him. She's been talking about who knows what and finally I had to get her to shut up.

"JUSTIN IS ALIVE...." I yelled.

Well that worked...

There was silence in the car. Finally. But now there was going to be questions thrown at me from side to side. And the same questions are going to be repeated daily every second, by the same person.

"What..." There was a gasp. See told you.

"You heard me." I lowly said focusing on the road an continuing to drive.

"What do you mean 'Justin is alive' how can he be...he was sho..."

"No. No he wasn't." Really, it was getting annoying.

"Fredo. Tell me. Tell me what happened? Where's Justin? H-How, How is he?"

"You know what Beth. I'm not telling you anything. I don't know what happened okay. Let him talk." I said.

"Well when? Is he here right now?"

"SHUT UP!" Anger filled me up. "BETH I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED OKAY!?....stay quiet really because if you weren't a girl I'd beat the shit out of you right now! I swear!"

"Whatever." She crossed her arms and looked out the window.

(Bethany's P.O.V)

Oh my god. Is Justin really alive? An I gonna be able to see him tomorrow? Is he here right now? So many questions are going through my head right now and really I'm probably having an anxiety attack at this moment. But I didn't really know, all I could think of is being able to see Justin, hold him, hear him, smell him, just be with him, near him. Lights kept passing the car, no stars were able to be seen but the moon was out. I was just hoping to see Justin soon because I can't wait another minute anymore. I've aired a year thinking nothing will ever happen and here I am now a centimeter closer to him. The night got darker, the sun setting turning the sky a pink to a purple to a navy dark blue night. That's when my eyes completely shut only thinking of one person. My heart was beating one-thousand times faster than its original pace because of how happy, and mixed of emotions I am inside.

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