Chapter 10: Avengers and Phoenix Allowed

Start from the beginning

Now having arrived at Stark tower, Natalie had been unbound and instructed, "Stay with Dr. Selvig. He may need your help keeping the portal alive."

"Yes, sir." she said before making her way to the roof, then hiding when she heard the sound of Tony Stark coming by. Hidden, she allowed whatever to happen between Selvig and Stark go down before she came out, with Iron Man gone, she went over to help Erik Selvig up and asked, "What do you want for me to-" Her head burst into a thousand emotions, one of them trying to fight over this numbness inside of her. 

"Just... wait, where am I?" he asked, Natalie looked at him with a blank expression. Having looked down and saw the SHIELD jet, and catching a brief glimpse of Steve, she shouted before seeing Loki shoot the jet, her heart sank as she gained more control over her mind. Looking at Selvig, she said, "Shut it down." 

"That's the issue, I can't." He said, Natalie knew this was a bad idea, but she started to see that the portal had sustained itself, she swore before firing fire at the aliens coming out. This wasn't what.... this isn't what I wanted. If I knew this was my payment for wanting to forget... I don't want to forget! Knowing she would have to do the only thing to come to mind, she then saw Natasha come onto the roof, "Roman."

"Nat, I'm going to try and help." She said, Natasha then asked, "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Standing on a ledge, Natalie smirked at the red-haired woman before saying, "Then, no, now, I think I do." And trusting her instincts, Natalie jumped off the building, and the Phoenix came to life, burning aliens that came too close into her area, and when the Phoenix saw the creature that seemed to represent a whale, she morphed and pushed herself into its mouth, fire covering every inch of her person before morphing back, a cry from the bird caught some alien's attention and then she went onto the ground to where Steve was. Morphing back, she looked at him. "I didn't expect to see New York being ground zero for an alien invasion."

"I didn't expect to see you back." he grunted, fighting off some of the invaders while she made a few implode. "I was taken, actually, but thinking I wanted to forget, I got somewhat brainwashed... but I think it works only on humans."

"You are human!" Steve said, Nat smirked, while fighting a few invaders, she burned them before answering that, "No, I'm half human, the other half is the God inside of me." Before she morphed back into the phoenix, killing some more before going after the whale-like creatures again. 

Seeing Stark heading towards the Brooklyn Bridge, the Phoenix shrieked, before landing on the ground, blowing fire on the Chitauri as she morphed back, "You alright, Captain?" 

"Ready for another bout?" Thor asked as Nat saw him help Steve up. "What? You getting sleepy?"

"Looks like you could crash," she noted before throwing a ball of fire at a couple of the aliens, when she heard about something about shutting down, Nat looked at him, and nodded, they needed that portal shut down... now if possible. Then she heard something about a one way trip. "Can someone keep me up to date? Is Stark going to do something?"

"They sent a nuke for Manhattan," Steve said, "Tony is going to redirect it for inside the portal, which means he might not make it."

"Then let me go," she said, looking at the two, before Steve said, "No, we let him do this." Soon enough, the invasion had stopped and then after a few moments, she heard Steve say, "Close the portal."

With the portal closed, she saw Stark coming down, and Thor stating, "He's not slowing down." Then Banner came through and catching Tony from the sky and brought him down to the street, and tossing Tony, Nat shook her head. Taking the mask off, she couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, and with the other guys looking nervous, she asked, "What? Mouth to mouth scary for you or what?" Hulk growled and woke Tony up, and said, "What happened? We won? Please don't tell me someone kissed me."

Nat shook her head before saying, "No one kissed you. I think none of them were comfortable in case we need to get you breathing."

"Good work, you know what? Let's not come in tomorrow, let's just have a day. Ever had shawarma? There's a shawarma place a few blocks from here. Never had it, but want to."

Thor interjected, "We still have something to do."

"Then Shawarma after?" Nat shook her head, before she said, "Fine, we will go and get shawarma afterwards."

Now getting to Stark Tower and everyone surrounding Loki, he said, "If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now." Noticing Natalie in the group, he frowned, "I thought-"

"I don't think that works on the gods, in case you haven't noticed, I am only part human." she said. He smiled, "The songbird finally learned her place."

"This songbird found her family." she noted. 


She had watched the news stories covering everything, seemed someone was insane enough to take a video of her in her Phoenix form taking on the Chitauri whale and knowing that Thor was taking Loki and the Tesseract away, Nat wanted to be there when she saw it leave, dressed in a light blue blouse and faded jeans, with a pair of flats considering she was a good walk to the park in which Thor and Loki were leaving.

That little cube has already made more than enough of a nuisance in her life that she was glad to see it gone. Thor looked at her and said, "Why don't you come with us? Asgard wouldn't question who you are, and my family would take you in fairly quickly."

"You know." she turned to see everyone else, and looked back at Thor, "I am starting to gain the hand of being on Earth, I don't think I would be able to adapt that quickly to Asgard." He nodded and having Loki take the tube with the Tesseract before they went back to Asgard. Seeing everyone disappearing, Nat asked Steve, "Mind if I partner with you? I don't think Fury is going to forgive me on the whole ditching the team."

"Team?" Steve asked, she said, "I best think we should speak back in my apartment. Now, the ride?"

"I don't have a helmet for you." he said, Nat smirked, "Do you think I need a helmet? We are only five minutes from the apartment." she waited until he nodded and getting onto the back she held onto him, hoping that he could understand why she had reacted in such a way. Within the five minutes it took to ride to her apartment, she waited for him to kill the engine before getting off, and walking up the steps to her floor and opening the lock, she let Steve in before he turned to her, "Nat, Fury isn't too pissed at you, rather, he stated if you had returned, we still have a spot in the Avengers."

"You took up on that name?" She asked him, slightly pushing past him to go sit on her couch. "Had to honor Coulson somehow." Her face fell at the name when she told him, "I could have saved him. I should have fought harder."

"Natalie, he died for what he believed in, and you can honor him by continuing to fight." He said and Nat couldn't stop herself when she hugged him, glad to have her friend back. "And I needed a teammate from the 107th who knows how to fight." Nat shook her head when she pulled away and said, "Fine, I will join the Avengers. Now... What do you say about grabbing some pizza?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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