Chapter 5: Captain America and the Roman Phoenix

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The Whip and Fiddle had a friendly vibe to it as Natalie had walked into the bar and finding a chair to sit at, she ordered a beer, as she really needed it. The seat to her left got taken as he said, "How did the pretty girl from Brooklyn end up in the army anyways?" She looked at Barnes as she said, "Because sometimes you need to prove a point that a fire in the soul burns brighter when fighting for their right. I'm glad you are alright."

"I thought I saw you on the ground level of the factory." he said, great, another person who saw me. She quickly noted, "Maybe you just thought it was me and maybe it was a HYDRA soldier." 

"No, I saw you in men clothing." he shook his head, "Either way, maybe my mind was playing tricks on me." he lifted his own bottle of beer and said, "To winning this war." She toasted to that as she saw Steve coming in and sitting next to Bucky, "You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" 

"Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him. But you're keeping the outfit, right?"

"You know what? It's kinda growing on me. What about you, Natalie? Ready to follow Captain America into dangerous territory?" He looked at her and she got another beer before she said anything, "Know what? Sure, I don't mind sending those bastards straight to hell." She had been in civilian clothes as she didn't want to dirty her uniform and had stuck with the same blue dress when the two had first met her. It was nice to get it out and next time she would wear the dress Mary Robertson had made for her. When the bar went quiet and she saw Peggy in a dress, most of all a red one and speaking with Steve about Howard having something for him to look at the next day. "Maybe we should go dancing." Bucky noted, and Nat had to stifle a laugh when she saw Peggy stating to Steve about going dancing once the war was over.

When Peggy took off, Bucky stated, "It was as if I wasn't there. I'm turning into you." Nat patted Bucky's shoulder when she said, "Trust me, it's not a bad feeling."


The next morning Natalie had gone to where Rogers' room was and waiting for him, she smirked, "You look good, soldier."

"So... So do you," he said, not sure about what was happening as she walked down with him to the SSR office so he could see what Stark had in stores for Steve. After they got to the office, Lorraine was reading the newspaper as she said, "Mr. Stark is in a meeting with the Colonel." Nat said afterwards, "I'll be back." before taking off and finding Peggy, smirked, "You have the hots for the Cap?" 

"What? No, an admiration, maybe." She said as the ladies walked back and Natalie saw what Peggy could see. Lorraine was kissing Steve. As Peggy walked away, Nat sighed, "Lorraine, I will be speaking with you about your performance." She was more upset her friend was clearly upset and as Steve went after Peggy, Nat glanced at the receptionist. "IF I catch you doing something like that again, I will take your job and you will not have a good recommendation for another receptionist. DO I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," the girl said, and Nat saw Howard coming out and she said, "Your receptionist is a wild one, Mr. Stark. I had to put her in her place for misconduct while working."

"I hope you weren't too hard on the girl." He said as he found Steve and started to bring him down the things he had prepared for him, and finding a circular shield, he asked, "What about this?"

"Oh, that's a prototype, that is Vibranium, it's stronger than steel and a third of the weight. It's completely vibration proof. And all of that is on this earth is right in your hands." When Steve asked Peggy as she was passing through if it would work. Nat took a few steps away from her friend as the woman began firing four shots at the shield, then said, "I think it does the trick." 

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