chapter 5, drifting and drama

Start from the beginning

since you guys had planed on smoking sum yk what. you decided to uber there. you suggested going to an abandoned building with graffiti or whatever. you and bella were the only ones there and you brought a speaker to play some lit but chill music. you and bella where just chilling taking pics for your gram. it was fun. even if it was just you and her. you guys both decided to go out and grab some mcdonald's and go home so your convinced the uber bella had ordered to take you. she agreed. after a little while you and bella had arrived back to her house you were staying the night. and you found a photo you liked and posted it . the picture below is the insta photo but you weren't making that face. i just think that face she's making it dumb.

liked by @bella

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liked by, @therealzotto and 16,389 others
y/ you're missing out

comments: my bestie is bhaddd 👿😩
                 @y/ ily 😈😈
@lucas.stavedc: 🙈🙈
@therealzotto: hey friend 🥵
                  @y/ go away.
@zotto.lover: why is she being a bitch to alessio
@therealalessiolover: tea!!! i think she's dissing zotto 👀😔

you felt like a bad bitch after telling alessio off. you and bella catch up and stuff but then she asks you this.
bella: y/n, remember when you went to that party like awhile ago.
y/n: i go to a lot of parties wdym?
bella: the one more recent like a few weeks ago.
y/n: you're gonna have to be more specific
bella: the end of school year party? the won we threw?
y/n: yea i remember that.
bella: well remember when we played 7 minutes in heaven and you had to go in the closet wit one of jordan's friends?
y/n: ohhh yea, he was hot i wonder what he's been up too lately 😉😉
bella: well his name is hayden and he has a gf at the moment.
y/n: oh damn. but what you saying?
bella: well some girl had somehow taken a video of you and hayden kissing.
y/n: how do you know that? did you see the video or something?
bella: oh yea you haven't been on your phone in a while. just check it.
you checked your phone. it had blown up. you had previously turned it off bc you and bella were watching a movie. you comepletly forgot abt it. but you start to view your instagram and twitter. you look at your mentions. it was all videos of you and hayden kissing. people had also been tagging alessio in the video, and shaming you calling you names. there was so much hate. then you realized maybe that's why zotto had cut you off bc he saw this video. everyone was calling you names and saying that you were cancelled and just plain hating. you were feeling sad/confused and bella was comforting you. but bc of this misfortune event you had seemed to have gained a lot of new followers. and your account was low-key blowing up. after you calm down you tweet "lookout for my instagram live at 12am central time. i'd like to explain myself" you also continued to put that on the story's of your other social media playforms. and soon enough it was 10pm. time for the live. you were scared, you've delt with hating in the past but it was never this bad. and not to mention it happened all to fast. but here goes nothing....

summer nights, meeting zottoWhere stories live. Discover now