Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV

After school I had to pick up Emma and drop her off at home. I knew that I had to go to Madison's to work on the project. I still didn't have a car so I had no idea how I would get there. When I got to her house she would see that I walked there and I didn't feel like facing the embarrassment today. Maybe I could cancel or postpone it until I figured out a way to get there.

"So how are you gonna get to her house? Walk? That's embarrassing." Eddie laughed.

"Thank you for that, I don't know. Maybe I should cancel it?" I asked walking towards the front of the school.

"No way dude, if you cancel you might never get a chance to be alone with her again." He shook his head violently.

"So what should I do then?" I pleaded.

"I have no clue." He laughed.

"You're an asshole." I walked away as he laughed behind me. I knew Eddie couldn't take me because his mom works at night and needs the car.

"Hey Y/n!" I looked to my left and saw Madison walking towards me after leaving Jack behind. I waved and smiled as she got closer.

"We still on for later?" she asked.

"Uh y-yeah sure." I laughed.


"Great, I'll see you there." She smiled and started to walk away.

"Oh wait, my family went out so it'll just be us tonight." she smiled again.

"O-okay." I nodded my head and turned away fast.

Oh Fuck.


Alone with Madison Beer all night? Maybe God is real.

But I still don't have a way to get there. What the hell am I gonna do now?

Madison's POV

"O-okay." He said and basically ran away. Weird. I shook it off and walked back to Jack and his friends. When I got there he looked at me then the direction Y/n went.

"What was that all about?" He questioned.

"Oh we got partnered for a project so he's coming over later to work on it." I smiled

"You two? Alone?" He raised his eyebrow.

"No, my family is gonna be there of course." I lied.

"Yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes and went back to talking about sports or whatever.

I know I shouldn't have lied but I knew Jack would never let me be alone with Y/n and I really need to talk to him. I knew what was going on after we talked earlier.

I never talked to him before because I never had a reason to but now I have every reason to do it tonight. It's something that should've happened a long time ago but tonight is my chance to really get to know him.

Y/n's POV

After dropping Emma off at home and making sure she had dinner, I started walking towards Madison's house. I wanted to start early because it was a 20 min walk and by the time I got there I'd only be a couple late. 

I didn't want to seem too desperate any showing up early but not too late like I didn't care.

I knew I was overthinking this whole situation but this was a big moment in my life. Madison is still with Jack so I don't really know what to expect from this.

Madison isn't the cheating type, she's known for being loyal in relationships. Can't say the same for Jack though. I'm surprised they're still together after everything he's done to her.

I have absolutely no chance with her because she's way out of my league. I've known her for years and she's just now noticing me. There's no way she'd go for a guy like me because she has so many options. I wasn't unheard of to hear the sweaty guys talk about all the things they'd like to do with her. 

When I arrived at her house I was amazed at the size. It was beautiful and huge, way better than anything I've ever had and probably anything I ever will. There were no cars in the driveway like she said.

I walked towards the front door and admired the garden that looked like it was tended to often. Ringing the doorbell, I felt my palms get sweaty and my breathing pick up.

"Coming!" I heard from inside. The door suddenly opened and Madison stood there with a big smile on her face. I smiled back and she pulled me into her house.

"Welcome, would you like anything to eat or drink?" She said closing the door behind her.

"U-uh no, I'm good thanks. This place is huge." I said looking around. There was a giant staircase and a massive kitchen.

"Oh yeah, it's pretty big. Gets lonely though." She sighed.

"Yeah I can see that happening." I agreed. She started walking up the stairs before turning around to look at me.

"You coming or what?" She laughed. I nodded my head eagerly before walking up behind her. She led me into what I assumed was her room. A huge bed in the middle with lights all around the room.

"Nice room." I smiled

"Thanks. It's where I spend most of my Tim's anyway." She walked to her bed and sat down.

"If you don't mind me asking, where is your family?" I asked.

"My brother had some sports thing and my parents were what to go. I told them that i had a big project to do and they let me stay." She shrugged.

"And they know that I'm here?" I asked

"Can you keep a secret?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Depends in what I get out of it." I replied.

"Well what do you want?" She asked getting up and walking closer.

I grew nervous and looked around her room avoiding eye contact. I don't know where I got that confidence from but it sure did leave faster than it came.

"H-how about we s-say you owe me?" I tried. She looked to the side like she was things before she smiled.

"Okay, deal." She agreed.

"Now lets start in this project while we're still alone for a while. Don't want any interruptions." She grabbed my hand and dragged me to her bed.

This will be interesting.

I hope this isn't terrible.

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