Chapter 6

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Madison's POV

Who the hell does he think he is? I can't believe he would say something like that in front of everyone. I thought he was a different person. I thought he had changed from the person he used to be.

Thats not the guy I'm dating and that's definitely not I wanna be with. But now that I think about it, I'm not so sure I even want to be with him anymore. Y/n is nothing like him. 

Y/n is sweet and shy, he never disrespects me. He's like the guy I've always wanted, but I've known Jack for so long and I know that he can be a good person. 

What am I saying? Of course Jack is the guy for me. He knows so much about me and we've been through a lot together. I can't just give up what we have for someone I know nothing about.

"You know damn well that shit isn't going to fly." Charlotte said coming up behind me. 

"I know okay? I have no idea what got into him. He was probably just jealous like always. I'm sure he meant no harm." I tried.

"Yeah no. Not even you can believe that right?" She rolled her eyes. I sighed knowing she was right.

"Still, I know Jack and who he really is. I just wish he wasn't so insecure and he would stop picking on Y/n. He's a good guy and doesn't deserve it." I hated seeing people like Y/n getting hurt by Jack. 

"Maybe who he really is, was the guy out there and you'd rather lie to yourself than realize it." She kissed my cheek and ran off to class.

Y/n's POV

"Did that really just happen?" I was shocked to see Jack run with his tail between his legs.

"I guess the king really is no match for the queen." Eddie laughed. He was right.

"Madison is amazing." I smiled

"Uh oh, I can see the hearts in your eyes dude." We laughed together as he pushed my shoulder. 

"Are you crazy? There is absolutely no way she'd ever go for a guy like me." I dismissed the idea. He's insane if he thinks I'm going after Madison. Jack may be a little bitch but she still punches hard as shit.

"Oh c'mon! The way you were describing last night says otherwise." Eddie raised his eyebrows towards Madison's direction. 

"No way man, It's not happening. Last night was a once in a lifetime chance and I like living. Kinda." I shook my head.

"Your loss dumbass." I sighed and we started walking to class together. 

I went to my seat next to Madison and saw her texting on her phone. She looked beautiful but seemed like she was kinda sad. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked sitting down.

"Oh Y/n, you scared me." She jumped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologized quickly.

"It's okay, really. I guess I just have a lot on my mind." She looked away.

"Is it about Jack this morning?" I asked hesitantly.

"Partly but I'd rather not go into it. I'm sorry that he was such a dick to you. He's really a nice guy." She said.


"At least I thought he was." She said quietly.

"I won't push you to talk but if you do I'll listen." I smiled. It was so easy to talk to her. I wasn't;t nervous anymore and I felt like we were actually friends.

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