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Bold: when you see bold it is me talking to you guys! Not the characters just the 'audience'
Italic: I think that's how you spell it but anyway when you see the slanted letters that is the persons POV taking in their head or thinking about something
Underline: I don't usually use underlined words so if you do see this then it's either a mistake or I will say it at the end so hehe.......

Age: 15
Height:5'5 (166 cm)
F/F: favorite food
F/C: favorite color
F/IC: favorite ice cream

Quirks: Sound Thread
Your quirk is a mix of your great grandmas quirk and your Moms quirk, Your quirk is that you can make threads as long as there is sound which there is sound everywhere...I think..soo that makes your quirk limitless and the threads come out of your ears and fingertips.

Blood Manipulation: This quirk comes from a realities that you don't know about because it's on your dads side but anyway with this quirk you can control any blood even if the blood has been mixed with something or someone else's blood you can still use it, and you can make blood (kinda like Vlad king) by thinking of what blood is made up of and bringing it to you so you can make blood swords or shapes, this quirk is also limitless because when you drink your own blood your blood weapons and punches are more powerful than before. If I inject some one with my blood then they will pass out from what my blood is made from.


When you and your twin Kyoka went out for a walk with your mom when you guys were 8 you found a  cat laying on the ground, you guys decided to take him home after you almost cried because you thought the cat was cute and  you wanted it. When you were 10 years old and I'm your backyard playing music with kyoka you two got the idea to ask your parents to see if you could have another kitty, and finally after many failed attempts you guys went to the pet store and got a 4 month old kitten and the cat you rescued was called Star because he was white and ginger cat then you called the new kitten Midnight because it would always be up at night and would never go to sleep until the moon went away. I'm middle school you had already learned the Instruments:
Acoustic guitar
Electric guitar
Bass guitar
And the Clarinet.

Hello that's all you need to know and the next chapter is going to be set the last day of middle school, bye!

I will be a hero! (Hitoshi Shinso  x reader) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now