Historia watches with sadness and worries as Eren looks down from the ledge. "What's the verdict? How bad a shape is Ymir in?" Eren questions while a soldier fixes his uniform. "Well, she's missing an arm and a leg. And her insides are scrambled. If she was normal she'd be a goner."

" normal huh?" Eren quoted. Latina zip up the wall and land on the ground, catching Eren's attention on her right. "Latina." His eyes widen, and he jogs over to her."Hey, Eren," She smile faintly

"what are you doing?! You've worn yourself out enough" he exclaimed " What are you talking about? I feel fine" she said, which surprised him " But...wait... do you remember anything about the castle fight?" He asked, which she nodded confused " Yeah of course I remember, after those Titans emerge from the trees apparently went full psycho on them then falling unconscious but I feel fine now, Sorry but I think that's the same situation you went through when you first changed"she rubbed my head awkwardly, he looked shocked but then smiled " just glad you're alright " he said which Made her smiled " me too"

just then they heard someone grunts, they looked back over the edge to see Reiner struggling to get over. "Reiner," Latina murmur, walking over to the edge and looking down at the platform he's sitting on. " need a hand big guy?"

"Yeah, that would be great," he grunts, and she holds out her hand to him. He grabs it with his good arm and she pulls him up, helping him onto the flat top of the wall. "Thanks, Latina "

"No problem," she chuckle, and a few raindrops start to fall. She look up at the sky, a raindrop hitting her nose. "Oh come on... can we ever not have rain on days like this." She sulked

Meanwhile with historia and hanji

"Please, you've got to believe me!" Historia shrieked at Hanji, "I'm telling the truth! Ymir Could've Run away any time she wanted! She chose to fight the Titans to save our lives! She had nothing to gain putting herself on the line like that. Doesn't that speaks volumes about where her loyalties are? She should have told us before, yes. She had no right to keep her power a secret. It's hard to look past how much mankind must've gained from knowing she's been keeping to herself, but....i think... Think she was just worried about what people might do to her. Clearly her priorities have changed now. This isn't nearly as complicated as it looks. No one is closer to Ymir than me and violet, And there is no question in my mind whose side she's on!"

"Is that so?..." Hanji says, looking at the ground, " Well she's not wrong, her friend did save everyone in the tower when it collapsed" mike said," well, under the circumstances it's certainly behooves us to be friendly. Her priorities aside, ill wager what  what she can teach us about the enemy is beyond measure. Probably. Even so." Two soldiers place down Ymir's bed on the ground, making Hanji start walking over to her with mike. "You say this isn't as complicated as it looks." Historia trails not too far behind Hanji as she listens to her."but from where I'm standing the world gets more complicated by the hour." Hanji then turns to Historia, raising a brow, "oh, Uh- historia reiss you said your name was??" She nods, "i did, thats correct."

"Isn't Reiss, The name of a noble family?" Historia stops walking, nodding once more. "Yes it is." Hanji takes a few more steps before stopping too. "Huh..." She walks right back to Historia and places a hand on her shoulder. " historia. Nice to meet' cha." Historia stares at Hanji with a blank look, slightly confused, "thank you..."

A soldier finishes tying Ymir up as the two girls finally approach her sleeping body, "How's she doing?" Hanji asked as Historia kneels down to her. "Comatose but stable.The bleeding stopped, though steam appears to be coming out of her wounds"Historia brushes her fingers against Ymir's bangs as Hanji orders,

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