Uhtred had taken a step back away from me, thinking that I had only called him here to tell him that I no longer wanted him. I shake my head, "No." I say. "Listen to me," I say grabbing Uhtred's large hands and pulling him back to me. "I wish to marry, but only if it is you I marry." I emphasize.

I see Uhtred relax now. He sighs, closing his eyes and placing his forehead to mine. "I love you, Uhtred. And you know that I do." I say, reminding him of my strong feelings for him. A smile tugs at Uhtred's lips. "And besides," I tease, "why choose a prince when I have already chosen a warrior?" I smirk. I place my hand upon his face and he grins back at me largely.

"If you are so sure of your feelings for me," Begins Uhtred, "then we must leave Winchester tonight and we mustn't ever come back." He says. He stares at me intently, evaluating if I am in support of this decision. "No, not tonight." I say. "We must leave now." A smile of excitement tugs at my lips, and a light and mischievous chuckle follows after my words.

Uhtred then looks behind and around him, checking for any on lookers once again. With no one in sight, he lifts my chin and leans his face close to mine and kisses my lips passionately in his own excitement. Life with Uhtred was thrilling, running away together was thrilling and even this kiss had been thrilling. Pulling away, I intertwine our fingers and Uhtred begins to lead us out of the garden.

We hurry hand in hand and I look towards the exit, which also happens to be the entrance, and I stop in my tracks. Uhtred stops also, noticing my frozen stance. "Uhtred." I say in a panic, squeezing his hand tightly. At first Uhtred is confused, but looks to where I look and is now aware of my reason for stopping. My father the king, my mother, and what looks to be another royal family enter the castle's garden together.

"No..." I whisper disbelieved, just as Uhtred and I had been so close to happiness and freedom. I release Uhtred's hand immediately and he steps aside, giving more space between us. My family and the other royals that had followed are just too close for us to do anything now. We couldn't possibly make a run for it. Now they see us, noticing Uhtred and I standing in the centre of the garden. My father and mother wave and they all begin to walk over to us.

I notice among the royal family that there is a young man about my age walking with them. Could this be my suitor and the proposal that I was just about to run from? I look at Uhtred. "What do we do?" I ask him. "Do not worry." He assures in a whisper as they draw nearer. "We meet, speak with them and then together we leave. That is the plan." He stands taller now with his hands behind his back, and nods his head down in greeting to the king.

"Uhtred," My father acknowledges, slightly off put by the sight of his young daughter and the Dane warrior of Wessex conversing. My father looks over to his new royal friends, "This is the Dane warrior I have told you about. He will bring for me my future of a strong England." They acknowledge Uhtred and he nods to them in respect, though he really does not care to give it.

I am right to have guessed the strange people who stand with my father and mother. A king, a queen, and a prince of royal roots from another neighbouring town. I look to meet the eyes of this prince, who is frail and not so handsome in feature. And I am disgusted to realize that he is looking at me from head to toe like I am a piece of meat to devour. A smirk pulls at his lips at the sight of me. I notice that Uhtred is aware of this and his eyes don't look too kind in this moment. Uhtred now stares the prince down from head to toe, eyeing him like an easy target to kill, and analyzing exactly how he would do so.

"Y/n," My father speaks, breaking my stare from the prince to his gaze now. "Yes, Father?" I reply obediently.

"This here is Edwin, Prince Edwin." He places his hand on the prince's shoulder and continues. "He and this family have travelled far to meet with you. And he has something to ask you." My eyes widen in shock. I hope it is not too noticeable. I take a step back in fear and Prince Edwin takes a step forward. I want to run desperately, but I know that I can't. Regardless of this want, my feet feel tied and planted firmly to the ground.

Edwin bends a scrawny leg to the grass and pulls out a silver box. Noticing this, my heart races and each breath I take begins to feel harder and harder to take. I look over at Uhtred who also now steps back, staring at the boney Prince and then to me.

"Princess Y/n, I have travelled far to ask for your hand in marriage." He states rather boldly. Opening the box he asks, "Will you marry me?" I look to the prince, then to the giant ring within the box, then over to Uhtred who now has a look of heartbreak written over his face. For all the time that I had known Uhtred, I had never seen this expression. He swallowed hard and looked away for a moment. He and I both knew that I could not refuse this proposal, not whilst standing in front of my father and mother, this strange king and queen, and this scrawny little prince from another town.

I look at my father who motions his hands ever so slightly for me to accept. I look down to the ring once more and gulp. Stuttering I begin, "I-I, I don't know what to say... wow, it's beautiful." I try to stall, but am running out of things to say to avoid the question. I look to Uhtred one last time, my eyes beginning to sting from tears that desperately want to fall from them. My eyes hold a sad apology that I hope Uhtred can understand. "Prince Edwin, I acce-"

My answer is cut short by a terrifying scream from outside the castle walls. Before I realize it, chaos ensues and everyone is running to find safety. "Danes!" screams out numerous people. "Danes are here to attack Winchester!" Uhtred scans the area, pulling out his sword from behind him. "Run, go! Into the castle!" He instructs to my family and the other royals. I stay while everyone else runs.

Uhtred grabs me, pushing me gently towards the castle. "Y/n, go! I'll come find you after. I promise." He says. I turn to face him. "No, Uhtred!" I yell, grabbing at this arm. "This is our chance! We leave now." I instruct. He looks around us and then back at me. Screams and the sound of metal swords clanking together in battle erupt from outside the garden's walls, only getting louder and closer.

"It's too dangerous." He says back to me, shaking his head. "You need to find safety! And then I promise I'll take you away from here, but not in this very moment."

He should know by now that I am stubborn and will not listen. "It is now or never, Uhtred. We wont get a chance like this again." I remind, with a pleading in my eyes. Uhtred of Bebbanburg sighs, knowing that I am right. "Okay, stay close." He commands, still not pleased with the thought of dragging a Princess through an enemy battle.

He grasps my hand tightly in his, and we run towards the stable for his horse. Surprisingly we manage to get there without any trouble or harm. Uhtred's stallion is a bit startled by the chaos, but stands firm awaiting our escape. Uhtred lifts me and places me on top of his steed. He unties the horse and is just about to climb on until he sees three Danes approaching and coming straight for us.

"Uhtred!" I shout in fear. Uhtred once again pulls out his sword and rushes towards them. With what looks to be an effortless task, Uhtred takes his sword and jabs it into each Dane one by one. Blood is everywhere and the bodies lye limp on the stable's ground. Uhtred wipes his wet blade on nearby hay and places it back where it belongs on him. He looks up at me and I smile in relief, happy that he was not injured.

Now he mounts himself on his horse and I wrap my arms around his torso. Uhtred places his hand over mine and gives it a squeeze. "Do not worry, we are almost there. We just have to pass the gate." He assures. I nod, holding onto him a little tighter now. With those words, we then race off.

His horse is fast and we practically fly through Winchester. On the way towards the town's exit, Uhtred pulls out his sword and slashes his blade through every Dane who passes and tries to take us down. As we pass the gate, I don't dare look back.

We ride throughout most of the night, as far away from the Kingdom of Wessex as we can get before growing tired. We hope that with our absence the Kingdom of Wessex would just believe us to be dead, and with this belief they would never come looking. But if they did, Uhtred and I would just keep on riding.

After all... "Destiny is all!" 


Thanks so much for reading! Once again, I hope you enjoyed this imagine! 

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