The fight

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Chapa PoV
I woke up because I know that I will have to got to school. I get ready and this is what I'm wearing.

I ate breakfast because it's the most important meal of the day

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I ate breakfast because it's the most important meal of the day. I grab my backpack and make sure that I have my song writing notebook with me. I have a new one because my other one I have finished up all the pages. The only one who know this is Kim, Sloane, and Claire. They live in Seaford and I grew up there. Yup, it's my hometown. Kim knows about my newest songs and I made it a duet so both of us can sing that song. I send it to her yesterday night. Anyways I'm going to SWAG for school. Duh. And because Ray is gonna be mad ate for being late but when I get there everyone was silent.

C- hey what's up. why is everybody silent?
Mi- Bose told us something you might get mad at
C- tell me.
M- no you will be mad
C- we are friends and I have a right to know. If we were friends then you would tell me even if it hurt or not
B- it was a mistake, I didn't mean to spill it out and say it
Mi- sure
B- I really didn't
C- just tell me
B- don't
M- she has to know
B- but it's for our safety
Mi- it's better if she will know
C- just tell me
M- Bose said that he wish that he never get to meet us
C- w-what
Mi- he said that the day he met us he wish that he would be laying in bed
C- how could you?
B- I told you if came out in purpose
C- but you would of course not say that to a friend that you have loads of memories. It's like you want it all away
B- I don't it told it just came out
M- then why did you say O my God I wish I was lying right now
B- look I'm sorry I didn't mean it at all
C- where's Ray
Mi- up in the Man nest
C- well I have to talk to him

I go to my chair and sat down I out mg backpack on my table

C- if someone touch anything in my backpack then watch out.

I pressed the button to go to the man nest. I see Schwoz and Ray there

R- hey Chapa, what are you doing here
C- I was just going to tell you guys something
Sc- what is it?
C- remember I told you that I wasn't going with my parents to Seaford
Sc- yeah
C- I changed my mind
R- wait you want to leave
C- yes, after this I'm going home to tell her
Sc- when are you leaving?
C- this weekend
R- what? what changed your mind?
C- Bose said something to all of us down there that made me want to leave
R- what did he say?
C- ask him, I am to sad to say it
R- I will but you have to promise me that you are coming back here
C- well...
R- at least a little vacation
C- fine I promise. You know what I'm just gonna call my mom instead of going there
Sc- yeah that's a long walk
C- yeah can I ask you guys something?
Sc- anything
C- can you keep this a secret. pretend that you don't know where I'm at and that you don't know that I moved
R- okay fine we promised
C- I go call my mom, I'll see you later

I went away to call my mom and of course she understands and lets me come with her and dad.

Bose PoV
I didn't mean anything. I was told if I didn't do it then they will get hurt and I'm just trying to protect them. I have to do it but I feel bad especially Chapa. You see I like her but u don't think she likes me back after what I said. Of course I care about her, I care about all of them and they need to know the truth so I'm gonna tell them the reason why. Chapa came down with her phone in her hands. She is texting someone then she receives a call and she answers. I wonder who it is.

Chapa PoV
I told my mom that I would come with her and after that I got a text from Nate. He was my friend when I was little. He helps me with all of my problems and he calms me down

text conversation
N- hey, I heard that you are coming back here
C- I honestly can't wait
N- yeah the girls have heard about it and they are excited
C- thanks for letting me know
N- no problem but you didn't want to come here because you want to be with your friends. Why the change of mind?
C- cheer me up.. please
N- call me
C- okay give me a sec
End if convo

I went down the tube and I look up to she everyone as they were before. I see Bose looking at me. weird. I roll my eyes and I call Nate. I went to my seat and sat on my chair

Call convo
C- hey thank for doing this
N- no problem I still can't hear because the girls are still screaming
C- *laughs* let me guess in your ear?
N- yup
C- *laughs*
N- O my gosh Chapa is laughing, I'm so surprise that I did that to her
C- Shut it Nate
N- cute
N- your just adding to hurt into my ears
C- sorry
N- aww you can't make me sad you're to cute
C- Nate uf you literally call me cute when I get there I will find you and you would literally be scared yo death
N- okay I'll be quiet
C- good, can I talk to the girls?
N- you want to talk to them not me?
C- Nate please
N- aww fine, hey Sloane I have someone who wants to talk to you
S- hello?
C- hey
S- Chapa how are you?
C- I'm fine, is Nate okay?
S- I don't know I don't see anything wrong with Nate
S- o my gosh Chapa laughs
K- wait really? Chapa is on the phone?
C- Hey Kim
Cl- I'm here too
C- hey Claire how is it in Seaford?
K- not bad I just got a new crush
C- Kim Crawford tell me right now
K- fine it's Jack
Cl- Jack Brewer?
S- the one who goes to our school and dojo
C- you guys are friends with the Jack Brewer the one who is good at karate?
K- yes to all of those questions
C- there us no way
Cl- you want to take lessons?
C- duh
S- yeah he is our best student them Kim and them me and then Brody
C- did Claire join?
Cl- no my parents won't let me
C- hopefully mine will
S- yeah but Nate doesn't go to our dojo
C- yeah he doesn't do karate
K- oh my gosh you know that
C- yes I do he is my best friend
K- the one who you were thinking about when you are writing your new song
K- sorry they had to know
C- stop shipping me with Nate
Cl- we all know you like him
C- no I dont
S- yes you do
C- no I don't
K- yes you do
C- no I don't
Cl- no you don't
C- yes I do
S- she admits it
C- wait what did I just said
K- that you lime him
C- I got to go bye
K- bye see you at the weekend
C- bye
End of convo

C- hey have to go
M- before you go who are you talking with
C- you mean who I was calling?
M- yeah
C- my best friend
Mi- Bose is you're best friend
C- yeah but after he said the thing I don't think he wants to be anymore.
Mi- you got a point

I walk to the door.
I turn to them

C- and he was my first best friend
M- want he?
C- yeah and he was my first crush
M- no way
C- okay I am not telling you anymore things and I have to go see ya

I walk out of the door but when I went to close it I see Bose sad. I wonder what he is sad about. He made me feel this way

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