They lock Arya in the ship's dungeon, while they decide what to do with her, in that place she is accompanied by a sailor, who had protested when the mutiny began; some crew members think that they should throw her into the sea or put her in a boat leaving her to her fate, others that they should kill her, she is a dangerous woman, as she demonstrated at the time of the riot, it would be risky to leave her alive, while a small group proposes abusing her she are sailors who have not been with a woman for months, if they chained her, it would be easy prey for them. The First Officer orders to remain silent, I support the riot in exchange for not damaging or killing her, they must leave her in the dungeon until they touch the ground, then they would leave her to her fate, that was the deal.

In the dungeon, Arya reflects, looking for a way to escape her confinement, she knows that whatever the sailors' decision is, their life or integrity will be at risk; the sailor who accompanies her tells her that it would be better if she did not close her eyes tonight, she doubts very much that in the morning she will remain unharmed. One of the sailors sneaks into the dungeons, taking advantage of the darkness and that the crew is asleep, he has not known a woman for several weeks, he wants the body of that young woman, he wants to have in his hands a beauty similar to the one that caused the Rebellion King Robert and the madness of Rhaegal Targaryen, and now that she is unarmed, she will be easy prey. Find the young woman asleep, and enter the dungeon.

The man prepares to take her by force, takes her by the neck, the young woman struggles to free herself, apparently that sailor will get what he wants, but Arya manages to take the dagger from the waist of his attacker, he was alert, pretending that he was sleeping, waiting for the first sailor to attack her, and this would be his escape key. He stabs his attacker in the abdomen, when he manages to get rid of him, cuts his neck, to avoid warning his companions. He sees his cellmate and asks him why he was there, he replies that he opposed the riot, that is why they considered him a traitor, Arya frees the sailor, they manage to escape, and they go to the captain's cabin.

They enter the Captain's cabin, trying not to be heard or seen, he finds the first officer sleeping, this sailor covers his mouth, and in a quick movement cuts his neck, ending his life almost instantaneously. At dawn the crew wakes up, finds the first officer and the sailor who attacked Arya, tied to the mast, in full view of everyone. Arya yells at them from the bridge of the ship that this will be the fate of everyone who riot again, the men do not explain themselves how the young Stark could escape from her confinement, but fearfully accept her mandate back.

Still, Arya knows that food and fresh water are running low on the ship, unless she wants riot after riot, they must find land soon, the best or closest option should be the Aegon, Rhaenys & Visenya Islands discovered almost three centuries ago by Elissa Farman. According to the accounts, the islands have abundant springs and streams that provide fresh water. They are uninhabited, and their fauna includes wild boars and huge gray lizards as large as deer, whose bites can cause serious infections. The trees are laden with edible nuts and pink fruits, and spices unknown in other lands.

A few days later, the lookout observes land to the west, Arya reviews the charts, there is no doubt, it is the Islands that centuries ago had discovered Elissa Farman. Arya orders to raise the sails, and set the course for those islands, they will use their resources to suffice their food and water reserves, before leaving again, heading west, beyond the Summer sea and the Sunset sea.

After arriving on the largest of the islands, Arya orders her men to explore it, the priority is to find some source of fresh water, and fruit trees. "go all over the island, collect what you can, be alert to any human activity, the stories say that these islands are uninhabited, but you never know; if you have the chance, they hunt some wild boars, they will serve as food for tonight and the days to come, one more thing, watch your back, there are predators that will hunt them down at the first opportunity, "the young Stark orders a group of sailors.

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