Chapter 4 - Winds of Change

Start from the beginning

"No! No Aman, you got him all wrong." She smiled. "He is not the kind of guy who would do something like this. He was just protective. The gig talk wasn't something that he--"

"Kabir had walked with me to the South Gate parking where my bike was parked that day." Aman cut in smoothly. "This happened after you left the college building that day, of course. He chatted quite nicely with me and then casually asked me where I lived. Next thing I know, they both stop by my house in the evening and --" He held back the words looking at the shocked expression on her face.

Khushi couldn't believe her ears. Why would Arnav do this? It was so unlike him, so out of character! And how dare he! Sudden anger penetrated through the haze of confusion in mind and got worse with every passing second. At some point in time in those few seconds, standing in front of Aman, absolutely mortified by what he was telling her, Khushi was on the verge of a meltdown.

Aman moved closer to her and held her hand in his. "Only a foolish man would not like you, Khushi." Aman smiled "But honestly boloon? I have just moved into this city a few months ago from Delhi. I don't know anyone here other than the music group I hang out with day and night. I didn't want to get into any trouble with these boys. I know you, but I don't know them. I don't know to what extent they might go if they really wanted to get messy. My parents are old. I just didn't want things to escalate into something serious. Had this happened in Delhi --"

Her eyes and heart softened at his honesty. She felt responsible for what had happened to him and vowed to sort it out with Arnav and Kabir as soon as she could. "Aman, I am sorry. I apologise on their behalf. They are good boys, and this is so unlike them! Honestly, I am lost! Rather, I am shocked!"

Aman smiled. "It's okay, why are you apologising? Don't. I feel better after telling you. I should have done this earlier, I guess. It's just that I didn't want to get into-- oh, never mind."

Khushi was feeling horrible. She couldn't figure out how she felt. Never in her life had she faced a situation like this one. Her hand closed over his unknowingly.

"I am sorry, Aman. I really am." Her eyes lowered in guilt.

To her absolute horror, within the next few seconds, a hand struck Aman's shoulder like a bolt of lightning and shoved him away from her. Aman staggered backwards in shock in an attempt to regain his balance. By the time he figured out what was happening, his eyes were staring at the menacing face of Arnav.

"Son of a bitch! I asked you to stay away from her!" Arnav bellowed, his eyes blazing fire, his breath coming in gasps because of the dash he had made towards him in a matter of seconds.

"Arnav! What the hell are you doing!" Khushi shrieked in shock as she ran towards him and pulled him away from Aman.

"What the fuck is going on here Khush, and what the hell is he doing here with you --your hand--like this?" He demanded, staring at her and her hand intermittently.

She stood stunned and kept staring at Arnav. A million thoughts raced through her head as she wondered how on earth had he turned up there at that precise moment. "What are you doing here, Arnav?" She asked, utterly rattled by his unexpected presence.

"I was on my way back home when I saw you, on the roadside, holding his hand and--" His teeth clenched, "--What is he doing here, Khush? What are you doing here, with your hands in his?" Arnav yelled once again, his entire body shaking in a fury.

"You will have to lower your voice when you speak to me or else I will leave, Arnav" Khushi spoke in a cold tone, making every possible attempt to reign in her anger.

"Yes! I think you should leave, and leave me alone with this son of a--"

"Arnav! Not a word more!" Khushi roared and looked at Aman with apologetic eyes.

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