"I reckon he's lost track of time on the run"

People around them were suggesting ways on how he might have broken in and Hermione was complaining about how stupid they all were, there was no way that any of their theories could be true.

"Light are going out now!"

All the candles went out and the only lights left were the stars on the roof and the gohsts floating around. Once every hour a teacher would come in and check on all the students and by the time many students had fallen asleep Dumbeldore came in and walked over to Percy.

"Any sign of him, proffesor?"

"No, All well here?" Dumbledore told Percy, the third eldest Weasley had puffed out his chest and held his head up high as soon as the headmaster walked into the room.

"Everything is under control here sir"

"Good. There is no point moving them back now, I have found a temporary guardian for the griffindor portrait hole, we can move them back tomorrow"

"Headmaster?" A voice, called form the entrance.It was Snape "The whole third floor has been searched. Hes not there"

"Very well Severus I didn't really expect black to linger"

"Have you any theory on how he got in?" Snaoe asked.

"Several each of them as unlikely as the next"

"You remember the conversation we had before the start of term headmaster?"

"I do Severus"

"It seems that black could have entered the school with inside help,I did express my concerns when you appointed-"

"I do not believe a single person inside this castle would have helped black enter it"

Snape stood there for a moment with a look of annoyance then left the Great hall. Harry and Ron looked each other in confusion, they had lifted their heads slightly so that they could hear the conversation.

"What was that all about" Ron mouthed to his friend.

The next morning Sirius black was the only thing that people were talking about. The Fat Lady's portrait had been taken down and replaced with a picture of Sir caddigon, the crazy knight that helped them on their first day, he spent half his days challenging people to duels instead of letting them in. He even made up the most ridiculous passwords that were changed almost every day.

This didn't bother Harry though, he was more bothered that people were closely watching him and his sister, teachers would find excuses to walk next to them in the corridors and Percy Weasley, probably on his mothers orders, was tailing him like a guard dog. Proffesor McGonagall even called him to her office with a grim look on her face.

"This may come as a shock to you potter but Sirius black-"

"Is after me and Daisy, yeah I know I heard Ron's parents telling him about it"

"I see well in that case you'll understand why I don't think it's a good idea for you to be practicing quidditch in the evenings" Mcgonagall said and Harry was outraged, this murderer was taking everything away from him.

"We have our first match on Saturday!"

"Well goodness knows I want to see us win the cup but I would be happier if a teacher was present, I'll ask Madame hooch to watch over your training sessions"

Slytherin refused to play griffindor in the next quidditch match because their seeker was apperntly still injured so they were going to be playing huffelpuff so Oliver made them practice even more and he was now late to DADA.

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