I gawked in awe as the statues of each of the great gods on either side of the room were lined up, each of them holding up the ceiling. The only god that was missing was the sun god himself, Ra. In the middle of the room on the floor was the picture Stella showed me, but I wasn't interested in that anymore. 

I had to turn my head to look at each of the gods individually, they were all still in good shape, no cracks ... no crumbles. It was like age hadn't reached them, like as if they were just built today. "This is amazing." I breathed out with a bright smile. 

I then look down at the picture to see writing I didn't notice before, I crouch down, brushing the sand away to look at the words more clearly. But ... I didn't get the chance to read them until a native ran in saying something rapidly in Arabic. 

I look confused for a moment till Altair spoke, "He says there are black trucks outside and men with guns." Altair then looked over at me, "They are requesting to talk to the person in charge." 

"Welp, let's not keep them waiting shall we?" I question with a small smile, walking out towards the exit. Shay and Haytham followed right behind along with Connor and Altair. Dr. Young followed us out as well, but left quickly saying his goodbye, everyone else stayed inside the temple to both Haytham's and Altair's request. 

I look over seeing a few large black jeeps parked along the dunes, men with guns climbed out of them. "Hold up lass." Shay called out, struggling to keep up with me as he slipped on the sand, nearly falling back down towards the temple. 

I glare at the truck as I see a familiar symbol on the side door, "Abstergo." I growled, glaring at an old man which was dressed in a white suit step out of the jeep. 

"Who are they?" Haytham questioned, glaring at them as well as some shoved the natives away if they got too close. 

"Let's just say they are stuck up historians who like to steal peoples work. I got kicked off of my own works because of them." A small smirk played on my lips, "But not this time as I got the backing of the higher ups." 

"Ah Dr. (L/N), glad to see you." The old man spoke with a cheerful smile which made me wrinkle my nose in disgust. He then seemed to freeze in step, a shocked look forming on his face as he looked at Haytham and Shay, seeming to recognize them. 

I raise a brow, "What are you doing here?" I question, gaining his attention on me instead of them. Altair pulled the hood more over his head while Connor shrinked his head down slightly, both of them seeming to notice what I noticed. 

"We came to take over what you've started." He spoke with a cheerful tone. 

I faked my best smile saying, "Sorry buddy, but this one is mine. Ordered by the president himself." I then couldn't help but smile smugly as the old man's smile turned into a frustrated frown. 

Then a small smile formed along his lips as he gave me a small nod, "I see." He then glanced at both Haytham and Shay giving them a respectful nod, "May the father of understanding guide us." 

I looked at him confused, not noticing the shocked expression from the four men, instead watching the old man turn away heading back towards the trucks. My eyes then narrow as he begin talking to one of his men carrying an assault rifle. "He's not leaving." I growled, before whirling around, catching the others attention in the process. "Come one, let's get to work."

I lead them back down to the temple where the others waited patiently, some of them, specifically Henry, Malik, and Evie, were looking around the area while the others were just sitting around seeming to not know what to do. 

"What was that about?" Jacob questioned, scurrying up to his feet from where he sat on the ground. 

"Abstergo, basically an organization trying to steal my job." I growl, walking over to the painting in the middle of the room, looking down at the writing. "They wanted to kick me out ... like always."

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