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"Where have you been?" I hear as soon as I walk in. "Mum I'm sorry I went out and crashed at a mates" she sighs "you could of called" she hugs me and I smile "I'm sorry okay? Wanna have a mother and daughter day?" I ask and she smiles and nods "I'll go get some movies and snacks okay?" I say and she nods. I grab my keys and drive to Walmart.
I Hum slightly as I weave in between the small crowds of people in each isle, grabbing things and playing them in the basket. "oh my god! Hi I'm sorry to disturb you but I'm a huge fan of your mum can we take a photo?" I hear turning to see a girl who couldn't be any older than 12 "oh of course" I smile. Her father I'm assuming takes a photo and she hugs me "thank you so much for that my daughter is obsessed with your mums music" says the man I chuckle slightly. "It's ok really. I can get mum to send her a message if u like?" "Oh my god really!" The girls eyes gleam "of course. Do you have Instagram?" I ask and she nods I follow her on Instagram quickly and talk to them for a few more minutes the little girls name is Aria and it's her birthday tomorrow. Aria quickly gets distracted and her dad gives me a smile
"You couldn't...uh come to her party tomorrow? Her mum bailed and I think having you there would really help" my heart hurts hearing that "oh my god of course!" He smiles "your really not like other famous people" he chuckles as do I. "Some people use fame as a mask. Or do it for the money. But me. I don't do a lot to be honest" we both laugh "but uh yea send my the address and I'll come by" I say "of course thank you really" "no no don't thank me her smile is a beautiful thing and it should stay on her face" "it really should" he stares at his daughter in aw but quickly comes back. He hugs me and yet again thanks me. I walk over to aria saying my byes and then going to pay.

Me and my mums laughter fills the room as she spills water on the kitchen tiles.
We calm down, clean up and go into the living room. "Oh uh before I forget. I met this girl. Aria she is a huge fan you couldn't give her a call could you? I'm going to her birthday tomorrow her mother bailed so her dad asked"
"Yea of course and why don't I just come with you? She can meet me in person." "You would do that?" I ask "I love my fans to death." I smile and nod.
I look at my phone to see I got a direct message
'Hey it's Arias father party starts at 1 ends at 5 she's sad that her mum can't come I can't seem to get her out of her room any tips? I'm not good at this whole single parent thing'
I sigh and reply
'I'll come over if you like?" I send it and I get a response saying please do and his address "mum-" "it's okay. We will do movie night another night" I can tell by her voice she's hurt. She stands up and goes to I'm presuming her room. "Fuck" I whisper.

"Hey" I hear I look up to see Arias father "did you get her out yet?" I ask and he shakes his head. He takes me inside and the smell of vanilla hits me. "Her rooms there" he says pointing to a door that has paintings all over it. "Cute" I laugh as does he. I knock on the door "go away dad" I open the door "well I'm not dad so no can do kiddo" she jumps up and runs into my arms "hey it's okay" I say as she cries.

"I wish my mum was here" she says playing with her hair "hey. As long as you have your dad you don't need anyone else. That man will do anything to make sure his little princess is happy." She laughs slightly "your still a kid you have so much to look forward to don't let your mother ruin it. It's her fault she's missing out. So don't ever blame yourself for someone else's actions" she nods and hugs me "alright kiddo. It's late. I'm gonna head home." She nods and gets into her bed. "Goodnight kiddo" I say and take a step but stop when she says "you said that as if you blamed yourself for what someone else did.." I turn and go close to her "I did. It drained me. But I'm happy now. I'm in the best place I have ever been. I'm not gonna let you get like how I was" "promise..?" He voice groggy as the tiredness takes over "I promise" I whisper and kiss her head. I walk out closing the door lightly "thank you for that" I hear "it's okay I'll see you tomorrow?" He nods and I see myself out.
I sit in my car and sigh. Why the fuck would I promise her that?

Do u guys want me to add tour in? I would love to. Also what more do you wanna see?

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