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BETTY'S POV 9:48pm

Me and jug were sitting on the couch watching tv well he was watching it I was thinking. I have been wanting to ask jug for a puppy but everything with G&G and the Farm its been crazy but things have settled down, my mum is back and Edgar is dead and Evelyn is in jail my mum and FP are in a relationship, I'm happy for them, Charles is still here helping FP with some cases were all living in my house/the jones house (well apart from Charles he is staying at the five seasons) so things are pretty good so I think now's a good time to ask him.

I lifted my head off his shoulder and sat crossed leg beside him facing him I smiled at him and he turned his head facing me and raised an eyebrow at me."Yes ?" "ok so I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now but its been crazy and things have only just gotten back to normal and-" I rambled "Betts chill just tell me" he laughed "could we get a puppy? please" he sat there for a minute in silence just thinking then he faced me again and smiled. "sure" "wait really ?" "yes really I know you've been stressed lately with everything with your dad being killed and school so yes you deserve it" "oh my god thank you,thank you,thank you,I love you so much !!" I kiss him passionately and he kisses me back then I pull away and hug him. "when can we go look ?" "well what about tomorrow ?" "YES I cant wait" I lay my head on his lap and yawn "you tired baby ?" I just nod my head with my eyes closed he strokes my hair and that makes me more tired and makes me fall asleep excited for tomorrow.


I looked down and saw betty was asleep I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off and picked her up bridal style and carried her to bed and tucked her in and kissed her forehead then climbed into my side and spooned her. I love seeing her happy she's been so stressed lately I just want to make her happy. I fell asleep thinking about tomorrow and how happy she will be. I woke up at 10:23am betty was still asleep so I got out off bed and went downstairs were I was greeted with Alice and my dad I think I need to tell them about the puppy lets see how this goes. "Morning" "Morning jug" "Morning jughead" they both said with a smile "ok so um I need to tell you something" "what is it" "you better not have gotten betty pregnant or I swear-" I cut Alice off "what no but it is a big deal so betty and me were talking last night and well she said she wants to get a puppy and I agreed because she has been so stressed lately with Hal and school and she was so happy so please don't be mad were going to get one today and I'm pretty sure your not gonna stop Betty" they both looked at me a little shocked at first then Alice spoke up "No way are you bringing a dog into this house" "Alice just wait a minute he's right betty has been so stressed lately let her get one" "fine but you better train it" I give my dad a grateful smile "thank you both off you" I walk over to the kitchen and make some bacon and eggs for Betty and I with some orange juice and take it upstairs on a tray and sit on the bed facing the headboard and set the tray in front of me and wake Betty.


I wake up to jug gently shaking me and saying "Betts wake up I made breakfast" I sit up against the headboard and smile at him "Morning" "Morning what time is it ?" "Its 11pm" I start eating "ok also this food is really good" "thanks I made it myself also I told are parents about getting a puppy today and your mum was a little hesitant at first but my dad persuaded her" "Yes when are we leaving ?" "Probably after we eat and get ready" "I cant wait" I kiss him "I love you" "I love you too" we eat are breakfast then both get a shower and get ready I'm wearing > (without the scarf and jewellery)

I wake up to jug gently shaking me and saying "Betts wake up I made breakfast" I sit up against the headboard and smile at him "Morning" "Morning what time is it ?" "Its 11pm" I start eating "ok also this food is really good" "thanks I made it mys...

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