I was a freshman when I met sophomore, Jung Jaehyun. He was a campus heartthrob, athletic, famous, smart and handsome.

He was what every girl dreamed of dating.

I first met him when Kate and Trixie forced me to watch a basketball game during our school's sportsfest.

Jaehyun was one of the MVP and a lot were cheering for him. Since then, I found myself thinking about him day and night. I couldn't get over him and I realized that I had a crush on him.

But I knew I had zero chances with him, I am a nobody in school afterall while he's at the top of the hierarchy.

I kept it a secret for more than a year, not telling Kaye and Trixie I had a crush on him, until they accidentally read a poem I wrote about him. Since then, I feel anxious whenever they're around Jaehyun I feel like they'll spill my secret anytime.

Sophomore, I was slowly recovering from my illness and the doctors said I could do the things I want again but with moderation. I returned to playing archery again, it was amazing to finally feel normal again.

However, my freedom and happiness was short-lived. The night before my archery competition, I was rushed to the hospital after intense training.

The doctor told me that my health was deteriorating and that my illness was getting worse.

What's even worse was the doctor told me that I only had a year to live, I was only 15 years old that time.

My world shattered into bits when I heard that. I cried so much that my tears dried up. My disease restricted me from having a normal life and now my miserable life is coming to an end.

I was afraid... afraid to die. I was too young, I haven't achieved anything in life. I had a lot of dream for myself in the future but I realized I won't be able to do all of those things.

My dreams in life vanished along with the winds and I lost interest in life.

I had to quit archery again. No matter how painful it was, I had to accept my fate.

I tried to entertain myself by reading books, writing poems, and writing down on my diary just to forget about how much time is left.

But at the back of my mind, I know that every second that passes by brings me closer to my death.

My birth month came and I felt no excitement at all unlike before, birthdays become sadder each year.

One day, I read a blog on the internet about a girl doing things she's never done before for her 18th birthday. I was inspired by her story because we were on the same boat.

I knew my time here on Earth has its endpoint already that's why I wanted to try doing things I've never done for my 16th birthday... if I ever make it.

But my parents didn't allow me to. They said it was risky for someone who had an illness, so my plans were ruined.

i love you from afar ♡ (jaehyun - nct) | Mini Series #1Where stories live. Discover now