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A/N: I suggest you play Take her to the moon by Moira & Long Slow Distance by NCT 127 while reading this.


Dear Jeffrey,

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Dear Jeffrey,

" This is the last page of my diary, so might as well tell you the story of my long, painful battle with this disease.

I used to be jolly, out-going and friendly as a kid. I made a lot of friends in elementary, including my forever BFFs Kate and Trixie.

Everything was pretty much normal for me, I was ambitious at a young age. I had a goal and that is to become a well - known scientist one day.

As a kid, I enjoyed playing archery with my friends. I enrolled for archery classes at the age of 12 to improve my skills. I was the typical 12 - year - old kid who loves sport and was enthusiatic.

However, April that same year, I started to loose weight uncontrollably, rashes appeared all over my body as well as bruises. I have had frequent nose bleeds and would often collapse during archery practice.

And that's when I had to quit playing archery.

One day, I was rushed to the hospital because of a very high fever. On that same day, I was diagnosed with this rare disease that only 45 people in the world were affected and I was one of them, it wasn't contagious. The disease had no cure and I could only rely on theraphy.

That exact day was my 13th birthday...

Since then, life turned upside down.

I was restricted from doing the things I want including playing outdoors. Oftentimes, I would watch kids outside play while I had to stay at home and be miserable.

I had to keep my condition a secret from everyone, except for my friends Kate and Trixie. They knew about my condition.

Although my parents kept me company, I still miss doing what an ordinary 12 - year - old kid does.  I cry myself every night because I felt really sad about my condition.

But as time passes by, I've learned to accept my condition but there is still a part of me that wished I was normal like everyone else.

After graduating from elementary, I feared entering high school. I knew it was going to be different, meeting new people, a new environment, and new settings.

i love you from afar ♡ (jaehyun - nct) | Mini Series #1Where stories live. Discover now