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Disclaimer: that girl on the cover of the story isn't the girl in this story. She's just a fan of Bronny. This story is offensive, but feel free to share any similar experiences you might of had like this. I'll respond for sure💚.

I'm sitting in social studies class, zoning out, while Mrs. Baker explains what we're going to be doing for the next 4 weeks of school in her class. I decided I should listen, and know what to do for the next 4 weeks.

"So, you guys are going to be writing a 30 page report-."

Before she could finish, everyone, including me, groaned, aggravated with the work she gives us. She always gives us hella work to do, and it's so annoying.

"Excuse me? I didn't ask for all of that."

She says to us. I roll my eyes and look out the window.

And bitch we didn't ask for this damn project.

"As I was saying, you guys will be writing a 30 page report on someone famous." A few people groaned again. "Someone famous that gets praised by everyone now, whether they're still alive or not, and you will inform me, as if I'm completely dumbfounded on who they are, and tell me the bad side of them. The side no one talks about, or knows of. And what I mean by this is to pick someone, like Michael Jackson or something, explain who he is, but then inform me about how he slaps random people on the street for no reason. Of course Michael has never done that, but you understand what I mean? I want you to tell me the underlying truth about this person."

I drop my head, already stressed about this entire thing.

"And this project requires a partner."

She adds. Well great, I can easily do this with my best friend Ashley. Writing reports are honestly easy, I just don't feel like doing them.

I turn to Ashley, who was sitting at the desk beside me. She had already turned to me. We smiled at each other, knowing we were gonna work together.

"But since you guys wanna moan and groan, I decided, I'm going to choose your partners."

What? Why? Why do you have to do this? I don't have any other friends at this school. Considering most of the kids here don't like me, they don't like me for one specific reason. And it's because of my skin tone. I am darkskin, and they don't like that. So sometimes, when I walk the halls, they say things to me like,

"Ew, monkey."

"Why are you so dark?"

"Get out of my school, you're too dark to be here."

And some guys even say,

"You know, you're kind of cute for a black girl."

I used to always react and argue back with them when I first started coming to this racist, white, dumb school. But then I realized, it's just not worth it anymore. Let them talk bad about how I was born, I don't care. My skin is beautiful, and they will never make me feel ugly, or 'too dark' about it. So now, when they say these racial slurs, I just keep on moving, like I never heard them. I guess like a loser.

And while they're saying all these comments about me, Bronny James, Lebron James's son, one of the darkest black guys at this school, just watches beside them, laughing. As if he's not just as dark as me. I never understood how he could just watch me get put down about my dark skin, in his dark skin. As if we aren't the same. His mother is black, brownskin, and beautiful. I seen her before. How could he? How could he just stand there, and laugh at his own race getting made fun of the way we were BOTH born, with melanin. He's literally laughing at himself.

☆ No Black Girls • B.J ☆Where stories live. Discover now