*loude boi clap*FU-

8 0 0

Therapist: And what do we say when life disappoints us?

Mikey:Called it.



Peggy:When we found Katherine, it was like an angelic choir sang down from heaven

Cam:We found Mikey wandering outside a walmart a 2 am.


Mikey,sitting on the couch in pitch black:I must become d a r k n e s s.

Philip, tired of Mikey's shit and waving a flashlight at him:You must become a better roommate, you repressed fuck.


Gerard, rolling by on unsteadily on wheeleys: JESUS TAKE THE WHEELEY!!


Philip:Who gave him those?!?!

Cam, slowly rolling past on wheeleys:*casually flips Peggy off*

Also Cam:*subtly speeds up incase Gerard falls* 

Peggy:*offended noises*

Philip:*looks into camera like he's on the office*


DadWell now kids, stop arguing or I'll turn this car around!

Seven: stepping on the pedal STOP TALKING OR I'LL CRASH THE FKING CAR!

Mikey and Cam: s c r e a m i n g 

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