Chapter 14

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~Brookes Prov~

"Kenzie?" I said

"Goodbye" Knezie said.

Then it said please leave a message after the beep. So she did'nt answer. But she won't answer the door. How am I suppose to talk to her. Let's try this again.

"Kenzie??" I said.

Still no answer. Alright this is my last decison. I kick the door open. I see Kenzie on the floor laying. I see a whole bunch of pills on the floor. I started crying. Nash and Taylor come running to the bathrrom. 

"CALL 911!" I said.

Taylor goes and calls 911. I can't believe she did this, why exactly did she do this? She could of came to me. I feel like this is all my fault. Wait, theres a note. It said "Im sorry, but i can't do this anymore, none of you guys could've stopped me, i love you all. I'm going to miss you, but it was time for me to go. I love you. XOXO, Kenzie Boo." Omogsh NO!! 

"Did you call 911?!?!" I said.

"Yes their on there way!" Taylor said.

"Nash you okay?" I said.

"No..." Nash said.

"It's not your fault." I said. 

"I know, but i was up when she got up to go t bathroom ealier and then i fell back asleep, i was expecting to wake up again with her by me side." Nash said.

"Nash, Im sorry. I really hope everything is okay.." I said.

~Ashley's Prov~

*4 lasters ago*


"HAYES!" I said with exicment.

"Babe what am i doing here?" Hayes said confused.

"You just woke up from a coma." I said. 

"Oh, Can we get out of here now?" Hayes said.

"Yah, let me go get the doctor." I said

I went to go find the doctor.

"Hayes woke uup from his coma" I said.

"Okay, we will be there in a minute, then you guys can leave" The dcotor said.

The doctor and I walk back to Hayes room. She takes the eaquiment off of him, then she sees if he can breathe on his own. He can thank the lord. Hayes and I go back and home and eat some food.

~Nah's Prov~


The ambulence and came and got Kenzie. Taylor and I wdrove to the hospital, Brooke rode in the ambulence.  We arrive, at the hospital. Brooke Taylor and I are in the wating room. The doctors come out.

"Kenzie willam's family?" The doctor said.

We all walked up to the doctor.

"Kenzie, didn't die, she was close to overdosing. She probably won't wake up fro a couple weeks, you can go visit her if you would like to. Other than that I will keep you guys updated." The Dcotor said.

Kenzie s still alive I don't know what I would do without her.

~Justin's Pro~ 

I'm still at hospital, just to see if Hayes is awake. Go up to the counter.

"Is Hayes Grier woken up from his coma yet?" I asked.

"Yes, he was sent home about 4 hours ago."  The doctor said.

"Okay, thanks." I said.

I walked off. When i was walking out, i see Taylor, Brooke and Nash in the waiting room, but where's Kenzie? No, she can't be! I think she is, NO!

I texted Cameron.

"Dude Kenzie is the hospital." I texted.

"And why do I care?" Cameorn texted.

"Um because she's your little cousin you fucking retard. I understand why Kenzie doesn't want to hang out with you naymore, your just an asshole to her. You don't even care that she's in the hospital. You know this could be because of you." I texted.

"It's her fault not mine. It;s her choice not mine. Like it's my choice to do drugs and drink not her's." Cameron Texted.

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