A Much Needed Talk

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It was worse than he could ever imagine.  The day after they came back to the palace, Kibum didn't leave his room at all.  The only indication Minho had that he was in his room was because the vases full of dark flowers next to the door were all withered and dying.  It's now been three days since the incident in Tartarus and Kibum still has not left his room.  Minho wanted to talk to the god that was so precious to him but he didn't know how to, and him having to work almost daily didn't help either.  So when the last file of reports were done with, for now, he summoned the only other person he could actually talk to here.

At the rapping on the door Minho called out, "Come in." The person to open the door after having the king's permission was none other than Jinki.  Seeing that the other had showed up as requested Minho became relieved, "Thank Gia you're here, come, sit down." Jinki did just that.  As soon as Jinki settled in his seat he asked, "What is it that you need for me to come all the way here?" Minho sighed a bit before saying, "We are alone together in here.  In these walls you are not a soldier but my most trusted friend.  That being said as one friend to another I would like to have your help on a predicament that I am in." The half breed gave a sympathetic look to his king before asking, "Does this predicament have something to do with why a certain guest has not be out and about in the palace?" Minho looked at Jinki in surprise.  Laughing at the reaction Jinki added, "I noticed the flowers in the hallway that his chambers happen to be in were withering, since only deities that have abilities over nature are able to effect flora like that I assumed that it was his doing." Minho griminced at the news.  So it was getting to the point where the withering was spreading.

Sighing Minho explained, "I want to talk to him, to help bring his joy back, but I'm afraid that I'll just make it worse.  So what should I do?" Jinki raised his eyebrow, "Are you asking me for advice, Minho?" Minho just nodded.  Smiling Jinki put a hand on Minho's arm, "My king, my friend all you need to do is comfort him." Minho was about to interrupt but Jinki beat him to the punch as he added, "From what you told me and the stuff I saw in the hallway the poor boy discovered something horrible about his family.  It's natural for him to get upset, but if he dwells on it for too long then that sadness will consume him.  Empathize with him, tell him that it's okay and you will be there for him.  It's the best way to comfort someone." Minho took in all of the information given to him.  After thinking it over he nodded, "Okay, I'll do it.  In fact I'll go to him right now." With that he stood up from his desk.  He then said, "Thank you my friend." Before leaving his study to go to Kibum.


Standing right in front of the door Minho hesitated to knock.  Doubt started invading in his head, making him question if this was actually a good idea to do this now.  He quickly shook it off.  If he didn't do this now he will never get the chance to do it ever again.  Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door.  After doing so he called out, "Kibum, can I come in?" There was no answer.  No good, biting the inside of his cheek he ended up saying, "I'm coming in."  Without further hesitation he twisted the knob and entered inside of the room.

Immediately he spots the blonde curled up on top of his bed.  The upper half of Kibum's face was covered by shadows and he looked paler than his usual skin tone.  Even the whole room felt more chilled than usual.  Seeing Kibum like this made Minho's non-beating heart ache in sympathy.  He forced his body to move until he sat on the edge of the bed, Kibum's back facing him.

Forcing his nerves down Minho was thinking of what to say to the other.  He was taking Jinki's advice to heart so he had to find something in his brain that he could empathize with.  When he finally found it he told Kibum, "I didn't know who he was to you until I saw how his eyes matched yours." Sighing he continued, "I won't take back what I said about him because he deserves to suffer after all the things he did in life.  However I will say that I'm sorry that you had to find out the real truth like that." Looking over to the young god he saw no reaction.  Not knowing if it meant a good thing or not he kept going, "Trust me when I say that I know what it's like to find out you have a monster for a father." Finally Kibum spoke by uttering, "You were never lied to about it by your own mother." Minho winced at the sound of Kibum's voice.  He sounded tired and dejected.  Not dwelling on it Minho said, "You're right, I don't know what it's like to be lied to about my heritage.  After all, I never got to know my mother so she never had to lie to me." This caused the young god to turn and look at him.

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