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Lily's pov
Me and Quinton we just talking I looked to see what Lizzies and Ollie were doing but she wasn't there, fuck I new we couldn't trust Ollie
Lily: "FUCK"
Quinton: "what"
Lily: "Lizzies gone"
Quinton: "she probably just went to the bathroom, she did look like she had a lot to drink, just wait a second and she'll probably be back" he gave me a slight smile
Lily: "I mean yah I guess but is she's not back in 5 minutes we're going to I get her and leave"
Quinton: "ok, that sound reasonable"
I nodded and we went back to talking. Lily: "How long has it been"
Quinton: "umm- six minutes"
Lily: "ok she's in trouble, let's go find her" Quinn nodded as we stood up and walked around the house and tried every room, walked in one somethings we didn't want to see but what ever
Lily: "ughh where is she" I wined I was really worried
Quinton: "there's still more rooms to check, come on"
Lily: "he's probably already fucking her, should I call my brother" I question
Quinton: "sure, hey wait this ones locked"
Lily "she's probably in there" I said as my phone was ringing, he picked up
Jaden: "hey what wrong"
Lily; "it's Lizzie"
Jaden: "what about Lizzie" he voice got louder, he definitely cared about her is was cute, I explain the whole situation to him, Then ended the call.
Quinton: "what did he say"
Lily: he's on his way, almost here"
Quinton: "ok good" we waited a second
"Did you her that"
Lily: "here what" then I heard a grone, yep that's Lizzie for sure, my eyes widen "shit" I sat down on the floor next to the door and put my head in my hands and Quinton did the same
Quinton: "what are we going to do" he's eyes were glossed over
Lily: "idk, wait for Jaden I guess, he's the only one who would be able to get in, no offense"
Quinton: "non-taken, anyways I don't want to see, what probably happening in there" he chuckled trying to lighten the mood, the my phone dinged
Lily: "he's here, come on" we walked out side and found Jaden come out of his car, he ran up to us
Jaden: "where is she" his eyes were glossed over now as well and a tear slipped down my cheek
Lily: "come one" I whispered, he followed me and Quinn inside and to the room she was in, he kicked the door and it open right away,

Lizzies pov
The door swung open to reveal Jaden,
Lizzie: "Jaden" I lifted up the straps from my romper covering up my early exposed chest, he just stared at me with tears threading to fall if he so much made a sound,
Ollie: "excuses me, but we're like in the middle of something if you can't tell" he was ready to punch Jaden right there
Lizzie: "Ollie, it's fine clam down" I whispered
Ollie: "liz shut up" he yelled at me vary harshly and my eyes glossed over now, I looked at Jaden with a I'm sorry look and he shot one back, witch confused me because he did nothing wrong, then there it was he punched Ollie right square in the face, he punched right back giving Jaden a black eye, tears were streaming down my face now then Jaden punch him one more time and he fell to the ground, he knocked him out.
Jaden: "come one liz" I tried to stand up put fell back down on to the bed, he saw and walked over to me and picked me up bridle style" I looked into his eyes and a tears slipped down his cheek, I felt this was my fault and wiped it
Lizzie: "im sorry jay" I looked back up him but he didn't look at me "jay look at me" he looked down at me and more tears went down his face, "please don't cry" I wiped them, he still didn't say anything then I layed my head on his shoulder and he walked out of the room and lily and Quinton were there waiting for me I think I just looked at them and let a tear slip then put my head back on Jaden shoulder and some how drifted off to sleep even with the loud music echoing though my ears.

When I woke up the next morning, I didn't know here I was and got scared then I couldn't get up, something or someone was holding me down, I looked over and saw Jaden, then I remembered the events of last night, I started to cry then and I snuggly head up to Jadens chest cried even more, I think he heard because I felt him shuffle about I looked up at him and looked down at me,
Jaden: "don't cry angle" he wiped my tears, as I gave him a weak sad smile
Lizzie: "I am so sorry" I cried again
Jaden: "don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong, he manipulated you well you weren't in your right state of mind" I Put my head to his chest and he put his hand in the back of my head lightly pushing it in more" I felt safe right, there in Jadens arms, with him.
Lizzie: "thanks jay" I mumbled in to his chest. He let go and I looked at him to speak
Lizzie: "but I am sorry u had to come see me like that and you had to save me, I don't know what would have happened if you wouldn't have come"
Jaden: "well it doesn't matter any more, it's in the past and all that matters now is that your safe and what we're going to do today" he smiled and I smiled back.
Lizzie: "jay, my head hurts" I gave him puppy dog eyes and a pouty face
Jaden: "ugg, fine" Jaden got up then Bryce yelled from outside of the room,
I forgot he was still here,
Bryce: "SIMP" he shouted I giggled at that.
Jaden: "SHUT UP" he yelled back and I couldn't hold it in any more and started dead ass laughing "hey, stop that" he said as he came back with some aspirin and a bottle of water
Lizzie: "sorry" I giggled, and took the water and pills from him, as I took the pills I had a flash back.

Flash back
I sighed at the note and took one last snap chat streak, saying goodbye see you up there and sent it to my story, i got up and went to my bathroom and took out the pills in my cabinet, I pored them in my hand and whispered "goodbye" then took them, things went silent, then I heard a ringing in my ear and a clouded yell, then I blacked out. Next thing I new I was in the hospital. With lily and Quinton sat next to me.
End of flash back

I was crying at this point, I cry way to much.
Jaden: "Lizzie,what wrong"
Lizzie: "oh, it's nothing I just remember something I didn't want to"
Jaden: "ok u want to talk about it"
Lizzie: "not really" he nodded his head and got up to leave
Jaden: "if you need anything just call for me me, you stay here and rest" I nodded and he left the room. I really do love Jaden his done so much for me these past few days, it was kind of a blur, it all happened so fast, I don't even know when I fell for this boy but I am certain I am head over heals for him, ever word he says every time he touches me I get butterflies, he dose something crazy to me I just can't understand With those thought, I layed back down and just thought about Jaden as I drifted back to sleep.

Another's notes
I honestly have no ideas where this story is going, I mean I have a few ideas for the future of the book but, ya know  that's probably why some parts of it make no sense like, the thing where she didn't know he was famous, but then quinton is her bestie, like did she know he was famous but not the rest of the boys, like I don't even know and I am the one writing it, like wtf, and I am saying "like" a lot, but whatever shawty (why did I write that, but most importantly why am I keeping it in), idk it 2:00am and I am out of my mind😔🤪🤔😑

you are beautiful and amazing for
who you are, I love each and every one of you in case u haven't heard that today:)

1467 words

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