When he is jealous

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It was pretty late today I just got off of work this is usually the time I call Itaru to pick me up. My work is close to the dorms and my house so it's really easy for him to pick me up on the way from work, he usually gets off later then me so I wait for him I was checking my phones and texting some of my pals and then I heard a gasp I look up seeing it closely it was my ex Kaito!
Kaito: Y/n fancy meeting you here.
He sits down next to me we don't have anything against each other we where young and dumb. I still a bit uncomfortable tho he looked at me and notice how I stay a little distance from him. He give me a soft smile like he knew is presents was making me feel a bit uncomfortable.
Kaito: Don't worry Y/n I know it is a bit wired seeing your ex around
He laughed a little stare back at me
Kaito: But we said we have nothing against each other right?
Y/n: R-Right!!
Kaito: Just as cute has ever Y/n.
Y/n/ Uhh...Thanks.
We talked about how everything is going I told him about Itaru he was really happy for me he told me he was just walking by to grab some food from the store and saw me. I heard a car come near closer I see it's head lights come I looked up seeing if it was Itaru car I saw him looking at me through the window. He rolled down the window and called out my name
Itaru: Hey Y/n.
Y/n: A-Ah that's right coming!
Has I got up I turned around to say goodbye to Kaito.
Y/n: Thanks so much for talking to me
Kaito: No problem Y/n.
I walked up to Itaru car and opened it and hoped in.
Itaru: Hey Y/n was that guy a friend??
Y/n: What do you ask??
Itaru: Just saying you guys looked close.
I mean I should tell Itaru no point on hiding it and Itaru doesn't seem like the jealous type so..
Y/n: My ex don't worry I don't have feeling for him. We still remain on good terms tho.
Itaru: Ah...
I looked back on my phone looking through message on LINE.
Itaru: Hey, Y/n
Y/n: Huh??
Itaru: Look about-
I heard his phone ringed has he quickly picked it up quickly.
Itaru: Uh-huh oh ahh ok
He stopped the car and I got out and shut the door and walked off I wanted to ask him what he was about to say but I have a lot of work today I'll ask him tomorrow.
Itaru: Oh ok bye. Like I was saying-
Itaru eyes looked down on the floor of
his car has he drive out of the parking lot.
I finally arrived home I laid on my couch and started with my work hours want bye and I already ate my eye where so heavy It was let at the afternoon I should go watch some
tv hehe I heard my phone ringed and I picked it up.
Y/n: Itaru what sup.
Itaru: Hey, Y/n.
Y/n: Let me guess a snack run I brought you loads last time!
Itaru: Oh is not that can you come over.
Y/n: Uh sure...
Itaru: Thanks I'll see you then.
He hanged up the phone and got ready and left I knocked on the door and Izumi opened the door.
Izumi: Ah Y/n what brings you here??
Y/n: Oh-uh Itaru wants me
Izumi: Yes of course I shouldn't have expected nothing less.
She opened the door wide I step in smelling the
fragrance of curry.
Izumi: We have curry tonight is really good, you stay over.
Y/n: Maybe I haven't in a while
Izumi: Yes that be great I am sure everyone would be glad to hear that!
Y/n: Maybe not today tho I didn't bring anything to change
Izumi: You can borrow form me where almost the same size and where both girls I don't mind !
Y/n: Eh, maybe a another day liked I said
Izumi: Really that's too bad
I went in seeing some members around and I walked straight to Itaru room. I knocked
on the door waiting for him to answer
Itaru: Come in
I opened the door seeing Itaru in his gaming wear playing some games.
Itaru: I'll talk to you after this.
I sit down on his bed waiting for him to finish his game and when he was done he turned his chair to me and took a deep sigh.
Itaru: Y/n I was jealous...
Y/n: Eh!?!?
Itaru: Yea I know it was a bit of a surprise to me too
He give a me a warm smile has my already pink flushed cheeks getting redder
Itaru: Your very important to me Y/n I knew that but I haven't realized it that much
He came over to me on the bed and turned to me.
Itaru: I really do love you Y/n.
Itaru: I thought the Director as someone special she see through to what's in my heart. I never met anyone like her before until you cam along.
Itaru: And your truly very important to me y/n.
Y/n: I-I huh!!
my cheeks burned has I tried to hide my grinning face I clam myself down and just let my grin out.
Y/n: Well I am glad Director-san and I can help.
Y/n: Tbh I always been a bit jealous of director-san but you saying these things to me makes me feel confident.
Itaru: So you where jealous.
Y/n: Eh well yea of course, she was your amazing director and me am just a girl.
I looked at his pink eyes and turned away to look at the window and sighed. Itaru grabbed my face and hold his hands on both of my cheeks. My cheeks grew red quickly has I had straight eye contact at him.
Itaru: There no need to worry Y/n your the only one for me and will be forever.
He said that to me with a dashing smile my heart skipped at beat has I looked down trying to clam my blushing self.
Itaru: I got to say your cute when you blush
I grabbed both of his hands off my cheeks and look straight at him
Y/n: Ok! Now your just teasing!!
Itaru: Haha
I heard his laugh it made me just want to smile back at him I realized I should get home soon and I kissed him on the cheeks and just has I was about to close the door he stop me.
Itaru: Hey, Y/n wait are your free tomorrow.
Y/n: Eh.. I think so why
Itaru: No reason.
Y/n: I am not stupid why did you-
He shut the door locking it.
Y/n: ....Uh
I walked to the front door has Izumi and Sakyo walked up to me also with  Masumi following her tail.
Izumi: Oh leaving so soon Y/n??
Y/n: Ah yep I got  finish off some work
Sakyo: Well then don't stay behind
Masumi: Bye.
Y/n: Bye Sakyo-sam and Izumi-san and to you too Masumi-san
I just walked to my apartment and close the door collapsing on the door and my face got red after thinking about what Itaru said.

A/n: Lol I felt a bit weird writing this cause he doesn't seem like the jealous type upset when he it come to games. This is kind of inspire by this spoiler ok listen it really isn't a spoiler at all but I believe this was in act 2 saw it at twitter it's really sweet!!! ps thinking on using san cause that how it works in japan they for by last name so yeet

 This is kind of inspire by this spoiler ok listen it really isn't a spoiler at all but I believe this was in act 2 saw it at twitter it's really sweet!!! ps thinking on using san cause that how it works in japan they for by last name so yeet

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Haha I am glad hehe.. and
ps. sorry with my bad writhing and grammar skills
Word count: 1358

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