i quickly looked at the calendar and realized that it's wednesday. with the lowkey embarassment, i gently slapped my forehead as i threw my uniform away. ugh, stupid.

"What's up with you, damn.
You drunk or what?
Oh maybe, that's one side effect of dreaming on Shin Ryujin the whole day.
Calm your stupid ass down and jesus out, Lia.
Her whole existence is on your eyes only on the whole day."

hearing yeji mention ryujin's name made my heart jump a little. i remember how we called last night leaving me rush of emotions running across me. i even had a hard time sleeping last night because i kept on recalling our talks and her voice just keeps on whispering on my ears.

"Shut up, Yeji.
I just forgot that today is wash day.
Meet you on the street.
I'll be really quick."

i said as i turned off our call and i quickly searched for an appropriate outfit, scanning on my closet thinking on what would suit me for today. normally, every wash days i easily get to pick one outfit which i get to wear depending on my mood and even yeji admits that she really admire me on choosing out the best outfits. but today, i do not understand the reason why it literally took me 20 minutes still deciding on what to wear.

that's when i heard yeji's voice outside the house calling my name out. i frustaingly groaned and went to the window to look at her, and there i saw her standing infront of the gate with both of her hands on the air.

"what? aren't you done yet?" yeji asked.

i slowly shook my head at her before biting my lip and i saw her sigh heavily.

"wait! give me 10 minutes. i'll be done." i spoke and i quickly went back to the closet staring at my dump clothes. i sighed deeply, telling myself before hitting my head gently, "seriously lia, what's wrong with you today?"


while yeji and i are walking straight to school, i can definitely feel her eyes looking at me from behind which feels really creepy and just yeji walking from behind me makes it even more creepier than the first one.

"yejiii." i exclaimed as i stopped walking and turned around at her. i saw her looking at me with her serious cat eyes, her arms crossed and her lips curved into a small frown. "could you stop staring at me like that, it's making me really uncomfortable."

yeji looked at me from head to toe before clicking her tounge, "something's with you today. first is when you forgot that it's wash day today and now, you're wearing a plain blue shirt and jeans. this ain't you." she glared at me seriously.

"i don't always have to wear fancy clothes during wash days." i said. "what's wrong with wearing plain shirt and jeans."

yeji landed both of her hands above her waist whilst still judging me the way how i look today. "nevermind. atleast you wore your favorite color today. let's go." she clinged on my wrist and we started walking.


we arrived at school at exactly 9:00 so yeji and i immediately went inside the gate.

"hey. we should pay a visit to taekwondo club later. besides, both of us promised to yuna that we'll be back, we shouldn't disappoint her you know." yeji said while still clinging on me. "and we can finally get to see ryujin. well, lucky you! you get to see her everday, so i'd take that as my second time."

i just stared at yeji not knowing what to answer back. well, i mean it's great to see ryujin on every corner of the school but i hope we'd get to talk again personally. i hope.

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