Chapter 2: fights and food

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The next day while you were walking to school you were thinking about what Carla and Penny said. Why did Carla care so much about me getting in trouble? When you got to school you went up to Ozzy.

"Hey Ozzy I fixed your robot" you said giving him the toy robot

"Y-you really fixed it?" He asked shocked

"Of course I did!" You replied

"Thanks! Your name was (Y/N) right?" He asked

"Yep that's me!" You say

"That girl over there. The rude one in the pigtails." He said "she's been looking at you with an angry look. I just wanted to warn you" he said right before the bell rang. You didn't realize what time it was.

All the children ran inside and went to their assigned classes. When you sat down you saw a girl with pigtails stomping over to you. She seemed really angry.

"Your (Y/N) right?" She said trying to hold back her anger

"Yeah why?" You asked

"Well listen (Y/N). CAN YOU STOP TAKING ALL THE BOYS FROM ME!!" She started to yell

She just started yelling at you so suddenly. You were startled and didn't have any words at the moment. So you just let her yell at you. You had no idea what she meant.

"I don't know what you mean." You finally stated

"Oh don't play dumb! You know exactly what I'm talking about!" She continued to yell

That's when Mrs. Applegate came over shouting at Cindy to shut up. Cindy shouted back. Started to I just slowly walked away without them noticing. Still not knowing what she meant. You decided to walk over to Ted.

"Hey Ted!" You said Cheerfully

"Hello (Y/N)! How have you been?" Teddy asked

"I've been ooooookay" you said glancing over at Mrs. Applegate and that girl fighting.

"That's good" Ted replied

"How have you and Felix been doing" You asked

"Felix lately has seemed more agitated recently but that's about it" Ted told me.

"Oh that's no good maybe you should try talking to him." You suggested

"Perhaps I should" he agreed

That's when the bell ringed. You and Ted were talking on your whole way to lunch. You got to the cafeteria you felt bad on how you acted to Carla yesterday. You decided to sit next to Carla to apologize.

"Hey Carla, I'm sorry for yesterday. I was rude and should apologize" you apologize

"It's fine, I'm just glad your not dead." Carla said sincerely in a relived tone

Dead? Why would you be dead? Before you got to ponder on it, you over heard Nugget and Buggs fighting.

"Nugget hates the mean buggs!" Nugget yelled

"Well guess what! Buggs doesn't care!" Buggs retorted

"Will you 2 please shut up!" Cindy scolded before throwing a burger at buggs

"You did not just- you know what?" He said before throwing a burger back at Cindy

Nugget then threw a burger at Buggs. Buggs tried to hit nugget with a burger before he ducked and the burger hit Ozzy.

"Food fight!!" Carla yelled

"This is acceptable! This will not stand in-!" The weird lunch lady said before she got hit with food by 3 different people she sighs before leaving to get the principal

Ozzy and Nugget threw food at Buggs. You grabbed Carla's hand and dragged her under the table. She blushed lightly when you dragged her under the table.

"Hey. The only way to stop the food fight is to win! Come on!" She said with an evil smirk.

She then Grabbed my hand and dragged me to where the creepy janitor was. Trying not to get hit by food. He was mopping the ground.

"Ummm... excuse me can we get through..." you asked nervously.

"Does it look like you can? Now skedaddle you brats" he said

"We just need to get in for a minute. We'll leave as so-" she said before the janitor got hit by a burger

"OH OKAY! THATS IT! WHICH ON OF YOU HOOLIGANS HIT ME WITH THAT BURGER" He yelled which kinda scared you. He then started trying to hit kids with his mop. You and Carla snuck in. You and Carla began looking for something to use. Carla's face lit up handing you a bottle.

"Look what I found~" she said with a devilish grin

You and Carla went into the cafeteria. Everyone was still having a food fight.

"WHO WANTS SOME CONDIMENTS!" Carla yelled before squeezing the mayonnaise bottle at everyone. You followed soon after with the ketchup bottle. That's when the principal came stomping into the room yelling.


"Strange School, Weird Kids" Kindergarten 2 x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora