leaving the Dursleys(edited)

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I don't own any of the harry potter characters or story,all right go to j.k.rowling.I also do not own the cover picture it was just one that I found on the internet and matched what I imagined my character to look like
It was early morning in Surry, the water outside was absolutely horrendous, pouring rain. In the smallest bedroom of number 4 Privet Drive sat two teenagers, Harry and Daisy Potter.

The two children were surrounded by open books and spare bits of parchment as they attempted to complete the last parts of their homework, all thought it was mostly Harry helping out his sister as she was finding it very difficult.

"Boy, girl get down her!" The shrill voice of the Aunt Petunia could be heard shouting form the bottom of the stairs.

Harry sighed deeply, mentally preparing himself for the days ahead where he and his sister would have to slave over their vicious Aunt Marge as well as the Dursleys, Daisy looked up at her brother and frowned, knowing what was happening.

"Come on Daisy we'll be fine we only have to be down there for a little bit then we can come back up here" Harry tried to convince his sister, while helping her up from the bed.

"I really don't like her Harry"

"I know princess but I'll make sure she doesn't do anything to you, alright"

She nodded in response so Harry took Daisy's hand and they went downstairs together with grim looks on their faces.

Every time their Aunt Marge came over she treated them more like a servent than the Dursleys did while horrid comments about them and their parents. She also had a tendency to hit the children but unlike the Dursley's who hurt the children when they disobeyed or didnt get enough work done, Marge seemed to hurt them out of sheer enjoyment, only feeling their hatred towards her.

They got to the bottom of the stairs and without warning Daisy was ripped away from Harry and showed into the kitchen by Aunt, so forcefully that she fell over and hit her head.

"Get started on dinner and don't you dare ruin it, you open the door boy" she directed the children

Harry opened the door while scowling rather fiercely at Petunia, then Aunt Marge and Uncle Vernon barged into the house and Harry had to hold in a grin as their weight caused them to struggle getting through the door way.

Marge shoved her Umbrella and trunks  into Harry who caught them with a huff. The fat women took a scan around the house, her needy little eyes watching Harry and Daisy before she finally said.

"You two still here"

"Yes" Harry hissed.

"Don't say yes in that ungreatful tone" The woman chastised "It was good of my brother to take you in, it would have been straight to an orphanage if they were left on my doorstep"

'I would much rather us be in an orphanage than here' the raven haired boy thought bitterly as he put her things down on the steps.

Dudley suddenly laughed at something on the TV and her attitude immidiately changed as walked over to him and wrapped her short, chubby arms around the lump.

"Oh is that my dudders" she squealed.

Daisy pulled a disgusted face that her brother softly laughed at as he entered the dining room to set the table.

After around an hour of Harry and Daisy cooking, the latter receiving a small burn along the way, dinner was served and the two had to watch as the Dursleys happily ate their meal, leaving the children to go hungry again. Harry occasionally brought them drinks whenever they asked and Daisy cleaned some cutlery in the sink because last time she cleaned the plates she dropped one and it smashed.

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