Chapter 3 - First Impressions

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"There is no magic. Khush has always had these weird names for everything in life. Do you know she has named her new bike, Jhumri?" Arnav chuckled as he held Mehr's hand in his. "Look, why don't you and I go and sit down on that rock over there till the girls join us? If you would listen, I could tell you about all kinds of magical things in this world, maybe in detail?" He held her gaze as he smiled, his light brown eyes reflecting the warmth of the sun, making Mehr blush to her roots.

Almost everyone knew Arnav in Xavier's College of Engineering. More so, the girls. And that was all Mehr seemed to care about. To be asked out by such a sought-after guy at the beginning of her first year in Xavier's was a dream come true for her. She was new to the college but not new to the attention she enjoyed wherever she went. Heads turned when she walked into a room, and she was more than glad when Arnav's bewitching eyes had caught her's the moment they had been introduced to each other on day one.

"What if I fall? It's quite steep down there, Arnav!" Mehr panicked looking at the rock which Arnav was pointing to.

"Hold my hand. You will be okay." Arnav glanced at her, the smirk on his lips urging the dimple on his cheek to bloom. The sight made Mehr stare at him for a moment and blush even more. He held her hand in his and helped her trod down lightly to the place they intended to rest on for a while.

Within seconds after Arnav had uttered those words, Mehr's foot slipped over a small wet patch and she fell over him, taking him down along with her. Khushi and the girls, along with Akash, reached the top of the hill just in time to witness the scene unfold in front of their eyes. By the time Kabir and Akash helped the couple get back to their feet, a mortified Mehr had had enough of their little excursion.

"Whose stupid idea was it to come here? Just look at this, Arnav!" Mehr almost screamed, brushing off the mud and the grass that had stuck to her track pants and the tee.

"It was Khush's idea, but we all love it here and come here often. I would have brought you here, regardless. I am so sorry, Mehr." Arnav apologised as he helped her get the grass and mud off her knees and ankles. "I wasn't looking when you--"

"Oh, come on!" Mehr snapped. "You bring me here to spend time with you along with these people? Who does that Arnav? Stupid bloody place, stupid bloody idea of a stupid bloody--"

"Save your words, Mehr!" Kabir spoke with a tone full of contempt and earned a glare from Arnav. "You were made aware of the place you would be going to beforehand. You should have refused!"

Khushi, who had been watching the situation get out of hands, chose to intervene. "I am sorry, Mehr." She said softly, feeling the need to apologise. "Arnav told me you like to--"

"What the fuck are you apologising for, Khush?" Kabir bit out furiously, making Khushi jump because of his tone.

Arnav was watching Kabir all along. Something was off, he mused. Somehow every single word uttered by him for Khushi was beginning to rub him the wrong way. Something didn't feel right in his heart.

"Language, Kabir!" Arnav frowned. "You need to watch it! Mehr is just upset, that's all." He walked towards the group holding Mehr's hand.

"The hell? She needs to watch her language too! And why should Khushi apologise? It was her idea to come here, but Mehr chose to be here when offered a choice! Just because she is your girlfri--" Kabir spat out and was stopped mid-sentence by Akash's hand over his shoulder

"Guys, cool down. Just look around this place. It looks even more beautiful after the rains last week!" Akash tried to diffuse the situation as always.

"I think you both should leave, Arnav." Khushi smiled, looking at Arnav. "I had told you this was a bad idea, but you still insisted --just go now. Badri's coffee awaits you downstairs if you would like to indulge!"

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